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New Map Of Human Genome proves ‘Junk DNA’ Has A Purpose

Prior to new research that was published in late 2012, junk DNA was the term used to describe 97 percent of our DNA..

New Map Of Human Genome proves ‘Junk DNA’ Has A Purpose

The genetic drivers seat of the human body that is responsible for regulating the activity of over 20,000 genes has been revealed for the first time by scientists. Before it was believed that our junk DNA had no biological function. It turns out that what we mistook as junk DNA does indeed have a biological function. Keep in mind that junk DNA could have an enormous amount of biological and non biological functions that we have not yet discovered.

The project looked at the bulk of genetic material that does not fall under the category of protein-coding genes- the building blocks necessary for life that comprise only two per cent of the human genome. Researchers from 32 institutions around the world collaborated to determine the hidden messages within the 97 percent of human DNA that was said to have no function.

They found that roughly 80 percent of the human genome has at least one biochemical activity associated with it. I always believed that junk DNA wasn’t really junk DNA, it’s there for a reason. I also believe that DNA is multidimensional and connected to non-physical phenomenon and other aspects of ourselves which might make it more difficult to understand and measure in a quantitative way.

The studies found a number of hidden switches and signals embedded throughout the entire length of human DNA. All cells within the human body have the same genes, but different cells switch on different kinds of genes. Scientists have always wondered how genes are controlled, and what turns certain ones on and off. Researches collected DNA maps from 349 tissue samples that cover all major organ systems in all stages of human development and contrasted them with genetic studies of more than 300 common diseases.

They found that most diseases that are associated with genetic changes occur within switches that regulate the genes that are said to be located far away from the genes that they control. Basically, the study determined that genetic switches occur within our junk DNA that could be responsible for a range of illnesses.

These findings only provide a new view to look through with regards to the role of genetics and genome function in disease.

The majority of switches that occur on the DNA molecule are far away from the genes that they control, which makes in very hard to identify them. Information in our DNA is stored as codes using four different chemical bases, keep in mind that human DNA consists of approximately 3 billion bases.

The sequence of these bases determines what information is available as building blocks for maintaining and organism. Just because scientists have identified switches, does not mean they have identified how genes are controlled. We are still a long way from determining that, and this is a very small portion of it. Emotions, feelings, intuition and perception of the environment all play a part. DNA is programmable, certain genes are turned off, and others are turned on. We don’t even know every gene and the function of it. We know very little about anything when it comes to our DNA. With 2013 here, and looking ahead, I am sure that we will all be experiencing gene activation triggered by a multitude of different switches, but I do not think that gene activation, in this case will lead to disease. I believe new gene activation is a result of the evolution of our consciousness. We are beginning to open up to different aspects of reality and ourselves. Even the brain allows itself to change its structure and its function. It’s a response to sensing and perceiving the world, even to thinking and imagining. Human thoughts and learning actually turn on certain genes in our nerve cells which allow those cells to make new connections between them. If our thoughts and perception have the ability to do this, who knows what it can do for our DNA that has yet to be activated. Maybe the ‘switches’ have a switch, and maybe the switch is us. Scientists have also discovered that DNA can be re-programmed by words and frequencies, see article below. CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE Sources: .

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