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New Moon In Libra: Relationship Healing & Growth

We are having a New Moon in Libra on September 28th in most parts of the world and on the 29th in Eastern Asia.

New Moon In Libra: Relationship Healing & Growth

This is initiating a 29.5 day lunar cycle and a new wave of energy for the coming month; however, the astrological configurations mentioned in this article will be more prominent over the following two weeks. This cycle will include a Full Moon in Aries on October 13th/14th. Libra season began on September 23rd, however, this New Moon activates its themes even more so and imprints it into the Lunar cycle. This period is good for working with and co-creating with its energies and themes. As an Air sign, Libra is socially and mentally oriented. Ruled by Venus, it is associated with relating, relationships, harmony, art, creativity, and beauty.

There is a big focus on others. Libra is also diplomatic as it seeks to find balance, equality, fairness, and common ground. Negatively, Libra can be overly codependent, passive aggressive, superficial, insincere, indecisive, vain, and judgemental. Although this sign is about politeness and harmony, retaliation can be triggered when imbalance and unfairness is perceived. Libra is also associated with people-pleasing which can have either positive or negative implications. This New Moon is opposing Chiron in Aries which is currently retrograde. Generally, this Lunar cycle can be a time in which old wounds, blockages, and traumas may come up.

They can get triggered through external circumstances and/or we may also be contemplating them internally. This can also be a time in which we can be proactive in addressing what’s getting in our own way to help bring more wholeness. Considering that it is occurring in the Aries-Libra axis, for many people it can be connected to wounds around self identity, self needs, sense of self, independence, lack of confidence/courage, inconsiderateness, selfishness, and how this plays out in our relations. This New Moon is also in a quincunx with Uranus in Taurus. This can reflect surprises, disruptions, sudden changes, accidents, breakdowns, separations, rebellion, or losses that can be an annoyance and may require adjustments. This energy is strongest on the day of the New Moon. Venus, the ruler of this New Moon, is also in its own sign of Libra while making a sextile with Jupiter in its sign of Sagittarius. This can be an expansive and optimistic period socially, in partnerships, aesthetically, and even financially for some people. Our relations can be a source of learning and growth. Social interactions may be based around beliefs. This can be a fun energy however, we can also be excessive when it comes to pleasures. This energy is strongest on the day of the New Moon but will still reflect the entire Lunar cycle. Venus is also separating from a quincunx with Neptune in Pisces. In combination with the mostly positive Venus-Jupiter energies mentioned above, this can also reflect some confusion around relationship or financial matters. This may also play out as challenges or frustrations connected to escapism, elusiveness, intoxication, deception, or delusion. However, with this aspect separating, it is stronger in the lead up to the New Moon and dwindling following it. Venus also makes a square to Pluto which is strongest from September 30th-October 1st. At best, this can reflect passion, depth, and positive changes in our relations, romantically, or creatively. It can also be good for making some sort of aesthetic makeover, or purging items no longer needed. However, this can also play out as intensity, power struggles, or other types of conflicts. Saturn recently ended its retrograde on September 18th and has been in its final conjunction with the South Node since then and into the week following this New Moon. This energy was also strong in mid Spring (when it began) and in early Summer. Ultimately this is about endings pertaining to issues, behaviors, commitments, responsibilities, or other things connected to your past that are no longer serving you. It could have to do with career, ambitions, social status, structures, boundaries, limitations, management, or even a financial framework. For some people, it’s possible that you may have got pulled into something this past spring that is connected to some aspect of your life (or behavior) that needs to be released. If that applies to you, then it is likely you are now experiencing the conclusion of this process that you needed to experience. Pluto is slowing down to end its retrograde and begin moving forward again on October 3rd. Now and over the coming weeks, its energies will be strong. Pluto is associated with power, regeneration, purging, sex, transformation, desires, jealousy, underworld, manipulation, hidden matters, secrets, obsessions, compulsiveness, intensity, repressed feelings, taboos, and subversion. During this time we can also experience a conclusion to a Pluto process that began in April and may also be connected to the Saturn-South Node themes (mentioned above) which were initiated around the same time. What can you do to improve your relations with others? Is this a good time to expand your social network? Are there any wounds, blocks, traumas, or hurts that are getting in the way of achieving harmony in relationships? Is there any part of your life that requires more balance or fairness? Is there something that you want to improve aesthetically? What part of your life is calling for some sort of ending and perhaps even empowerment? These are just some examples of what to consider or focus your intentions on at this time; however, it is good to reflect on anything else that is coming up for you. It is generally best to make any intentions within the first 24 hours following a New Moon.

The exact moment of it will be occurring at 6:26pm Universal Time on September 28th. You can click here to see what that is in your ti.

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