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"Not actually in our possession": Japan's Ministry of Health on evidence of "HPV" existence

The “experts” at the Ministry were asked to provide all studies/reports that they had obtained authored by anyone, anywhere containing scientific evidence of “HPV” or “rabies virus”

This article was originally published by Christine Massey on her Substack.

Greetings and Best Wishes,

A colleague (who prefers to remain anonymous) previously forwarded FOI responses from Japan’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases showing that “the experts” there have no record of:

  • “SARS-COV-2” being found in and purified from any sick person on the planet - which was necessary in order for “it” to have been sequenced, characterized and studied with valid controlled experiments… in other words “shown to exist” (see here), or
  • the same, for “influenza virus” (see here).

This colleague also obtained the “World Health Organization’s" failed “SARS-COV-2” purification response wherein “the world experts” directed her to an irrelevant webpage linking to a global database of public “health” and social measures applied during the imaginary pandemic. (The URL now redirects to another page but the original page is archived with the FOI.)

Our friend has been back in touch, this time with FOI responses from Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

The “experts” at the Ministry were asked to provide all studies/reports that they had obtained authored by anyone, anywhere containing scientific evidence of “HPV” or “rabies virus” existence… or even purification of the purported “viruses”.

The response in both cases:

“Reason for non-disclosure

Regarding the document mentioned in 1. above, it was not made or obtained for administrative purposes, and as it is not actually in our possession, so we have decided not to disclose.”

“ER” reported lockdown crimes (per Criminal Code) re the HOAX pandemic and “SARS-COV-2” FOI evidence to 26,000 Ontario police officers
(for the 20th time now?) :

It Came From A (Computer) Lab! - Steve Falconer, Mark Bailey, Alec Zeck

Read the full article at the original website.


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