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One Simple Truth We All Should Know (VIDEO)

As much as changing the world might sound like a very daunting, complex task, I believe it doesn’t need to be.Sure, humans do complicate things...

One Simple Truth We All Should Know (VIDEO)

. a lot but: According to the current way of thinking, we not only need to figure out a way to heal the environment but we also need to make a profit at the same time. And if we can’t make profit... sustainability might have to wait. But is a fake economy made up of intrinsically worthless pieces or paper and computer digits really worth more than the very planet that sustains us? Not only that, the world is abundant of resources and could provide for everyone’s need, and yet every year rich countries waste more that 220 million tons of food while the poor still starve to death – not because resources are scarce, but because they don’t have the money or have rights to enough land. All in all, there is enough to provide for everyone while we let the obsession over pieces of paper, the belief in scarcity/overpopulation and greed widen the unnecessary gap between the rich and the poor. We go to war and kill over imaginary lines and enemies, money and immature power trips. We’re demolishing homes because if we just allow people to live in them, the “market value” would go down, all while homelessness goes rampant. About one week of United States military spending could feed the entire world.

The planet it set up for us to live in abundance and harmony with it and each other. It is the system we uphold that insists on creating such complexity and imbalance. I could go on and on, but this is just an introduction to this awesome clip from the documentary “Unveiled Lifted” in which I share a simple message that I believe would greatly accelerate world change if the majority would accept and implement the wisdom. .

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