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Our Campaign To Help Stop 5G – A Major Global Health Hazard & How You Can Help Us Stop It

We recently launched a campaign to do our part and dive deep into the 5G issue.With censorship and demonetization of our platform, we need your help to do the work that we do to play our part.

Our Campaign To Help Stop 5G – A Major Global Health Hazard & How You Can Help Us Stop It
. How can technologies like this rollout without any appropriate safety testing from our federal health regulatory agencies? How much corruption and lies go into the approval of various products and services that surround all aspects of humanity? One mystery of our modern day world is how products and services continue to gain approval that are clearly harmful to human health. Many of these products and services are completely exempt from any health and safety testing by our federal health regulatory agencies, or our federal health regulatory agencies become compromised by big corporations that seem to control them and dictate government policy. Along with these approvals comes mass marketing campaigns that are akin to brainwashing, they make the masses believe these measures are okay, as if they’re for our own good and that the human population is being taken care of. That, unfortunately, could not be further from the truth. People are still waking up to this fact, and in many cases have a hard time believing it. Again, that comes from massive brainwashing campaigns and ridicule campaigns that don’t address the issues being created by activists. When it comes to 5G, the science is quite clear, this is a disaster waiting to happen and it’s already being implemented.

The fact that this technology is even allowed to rollout is quite disturbing, given the fact that countless doctors, scientists, journalists and activists have already been creating awareness and publishing thousands of papers regarding the dangers associated with the bombardment of electromagnetic radiation we are currently experiencing due to wireless technologies and our favourite gadgets like our cell phones. If you want to see some of this science for yourself, a great place to start is with the Environmental Health Trust, as you can access a lot of the peer-reviewed research there. Furthermore, we here are Collective Evolution have written a number of articles going in-depth into this issue and linking this research within our articles. For example, the latest one we wrote about was with regards to Martin L. Pall, PhD and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University, who outlined in a new report the many health risks associated with 5G technology and wireless radiation in general. He called the 5G rollout one of the “stupidest” ideas in human history. You can access that report and read more about it here. When it comes to the current 2G/3G/4G radiation the population has been exposed to, they’ve been scientifically linked to: lowered fertility, insomnia, fatigue, depression, anxiety, major changes in brain structure in animals, cellular DNA damage, oxidative stress, hormonal disruption, cancer, and much more. 5G is a completely new and more powerful concern. Health professionals are gathering together to create awareness about this, which is very encouraging. For example, Dr. Sharon Goldberg, an internal medicine physician and professor, recently gave her testimony regarding the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. She said: “Wireless radiation has biological effects. Period.” You can watch that testimony here. Brussels also halted the rollout of this technology due to health concerns. It’s very easy to feel helpless about a situation like this, but fear is not the answer, and you don’t have to be scared. There are a number of things you can do to reduce your exposure to electromagnetic radiation. You could unplug all of your devices in your home that emit it, like your TV. You could shut down your computer at night and turn off your phone/reduce the amount time you use it. You could buy EMF protective paint or clothing, you can go out and spend more time in nature, you can “Earth” yourself, or “ground” yourself as this is one of the best ways to restore your body to its natural state, biologically, after being altered by EMF radiation. And don’t forget about utilizing the mind-body connection. If you are aware of it, then you can use your consciousness to mitigate its effects. We are running a campaign to perform proper investigative journalism on the subject of 5G. We plan to investigate the telecom industry and its ties to politics as well as expose its efforts to push 5G while ignoring the dangers and failing to perform proper safety testing. But we can’t do it without your support. You can join this campaign to help stop 5G HERE. We plan to investigate the telecom industry, it’s ties to politics, and expose its efforts to push 5G while ignoring the dangers and without proper safety testing, but we can't do it without your support. We've launched a funding campaign to fuel our efforts on this matter as we are confident we can make a difference and have a strong plan to get it done. Check out our plan and join our camp.

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