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Particle Physics: String Theory And The Nature Of Our Reality

For thousands of years, humans have attempted to explain the fundamental particles from which all matter is made up of.Today, we call this particle physics.

Particle Physics: String Theory And The Nature Of Our Reality

. It’s the examination of matter and how it interacts at a subatomic level to create all things that make up our physical reality. It attempts to identify what all matter is made out of and the forces that determine the way particles behave. Looking at things on a small scale like this may help us understand reality on a large scale level. This is because on a physical level, everything is made up of matter which are tiny particles that are influenced by a force that physics is constantly trying to discover. We are all matter, tiny little particles that are vibrating at a certain frequency. When we look at what determines our behaviour, we have to include thoughts, feelings and emotions, which are all non physical phenomenon that are usually not included in determining the behaviour of particles. It’s my opinion that the underlying forces that influence the behaviour of all matter are influenced by non-physical phenomenon like consciousness. Particles have consciousness, because we have consciousness, and we are a bunch of particles. You can read more about how consciousness creates reality here. It’s human nature to contemplate and question the reality that we perceive to be surrounding us. It’s also natural to want to dig deeper and find out as much as we can with the resources that are given to us. I often wonder what scientific discoveries are found within the department of defense who pump trillions of dollars into black projects that go unaccounted for, and a large majority of it is to develop technologies that the human race cannot yet imagine. Obviously science is a big part of that world, a world we do not know of. I’ve always wondered how far behind mainstream science is from that world, maybe one day soon we will find out. At the same time, our gift of intuition can reveal to us everything we desire to know. When you let go of the need for proof, the proof reveals itself to you. Recently, Garry McKinnon performed the biggest military hack of all time, maybe this can help you better understand information and the science that goes behind it that we do not yet have the privilege to learn, thus keeping us stuck in old concepts of reality. Click Here To Find Out More About Gary McKinnon Ancient civilizations like Leumeria, Atlantis, Sumer and the Maya had a tremendous amout of knowledge with regards to the true nature of reality.

Their knowledge often dealt with the non-physical world and how it influences our physical reality. Even the predecessors of these civilizations pondered the makeup of the physical world we see all around us. From ancient philosophers like Epicurus who knew of tiny atoms that were invisible to the human eye, to Plato who was aware of the immaterial world, physical and non-physical all the way up to modern metaphysics and philosophy. It seems that all of the matter that makes up planet Earth has been part of the pondering of what is. Humans, (matter, energy, vibration) however you want to consider a human being, is conscious, it is perceiving and thinking, it has emotions and all of these affect the vibrational frequency of the matter that makes up the being. I believe that particle physics, and our attempts to explain the behaviour and matter that make up our physical reality, is influenced by non physical things which is why science has such a hard time explaining the true nature of reality, but continues to creep closer and closer to truth. I also believe that groups on the planet have tapped into this non physical reality, and understand it very well. Let’s take a look at another popular theory of reality, string theory. String Theory From my research, string theory can be a pretty complicated thing to understand. At it’s basic level, the general idea and concept behind it is not. String theory attempts to look at the nature of our reality on the smallest possible scale. It suggests that our reality is made up of tiny strings, that these strings are behind the observable physical phenomenon that make up our physical world. It suggests that reality is made up of tiny strings of energy that vibrate.

The frequency of their vibrations determines the outcome and behaviour of the particles we know to be real. According to string theory, matter is the manifestation of the vibrational frequency of the string. This is interesting because if matter is the manifestation of the vibrational frequency, then our physical reality must be a manifestation of a vibrational frequency as well. We are all atoms that vibrate at a frequency, the rate and nature of our vibration (human beings) is responsible for manifesting the matter that we call physical phenomenon, is it not? This gives further credence to the suggestion that we create our own reality, and the rate which we vibrate at plays a very significant role in manifesting physical reality. Think of it like a guitar string, depending on how the string is plucked, different musical notes are created, similarly the particles we observe using particle accelerators could be thought of in this manner.

They are simply expressing themselves according to the vibrational frequency of the string. This is the basic underlying example of string theory. It goes into different particles, like bosons, which often cary forces and their relations to fermions which are elementary particles like electrons. Bosons are the force carriers and fermions are usually just associated with matter.

The relationship between the two account for multiple versions of string theory, and superstring theory. String theory also goes into multiple dimensions, which is another interesting topic I believe holds truth. I definitely believe in multiple dimensions of reality, I also believe not only in extraterrestrial life, but extra dimensional life that is able to perceive dimensions below it. Questions The only question I have, and maybe some of you out there can answer it. In string theory, what determines the vibrational frequency of the string? If the vibrational frequency of the string determines how particles act, interact and react to make up our physical reality, we must look at what is determining the vibration that in turn creates our reality. Again I believe this answer to be consciousness. I don’t think the string gives way to the existence of particles which show the property of consciousness. I believe consciousness exists in the first place and it determines the vibration of the string. But then what creates the consciousness that determines the vibrational frequency? Very interesting. I believe non-physical phenomenon like thoughts, emotions, feelings and perception all make up the rate at which our atoms vibrate. I believe our vibrational frequency has the potential to enter into new dimensions of reality. I think the natural state of a human being is to exist at a high vibrational frequency, and I believe many things on this planet are designed to keep us in a vibrational frequency lock. This includes all major industries we use to govern our everyday lives.

The video below shows that scientists are still trying to determine weather or not it would be physically possible to go through a wormhole. At the same time, I believe our black budget world has already developed the technology to do so. Like I mentioned earlier, this is why I believe there is a group on the planet that operates at a completely different level of understanding about science and technology, while the mainstream world is left to ponder what is already known. Sources: .

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