Penny Mordaunt disparages and threatens Andrew Bridgen in parliament

Yesterday, Andrew Bridgen MP requested a debate on crimes against humanity and what the appropriate punishment for those who perpetuate, collude and cover up for these atrocities should be.
In response, Penny Mordaunt, Leader of the House of Commons and a former magician’s assistant, called Mr. Bridgen a conspiracy theorist. She also threatened him and accused him of being a “danger to democracy.”
Why did she do that?
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UK employment lawyer Anna de Buisseret, who has been involved from early on during the covid era exposing the illegality of the government’s response to covid and the vaccinations, explained why requesting a parliamentary debate, as Mr. Bridgen had done, was reasonable.
She tweeted: “The sentencing for crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes is set out in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. It seems that many are questioning the appropriate sentence for these crimes so a debate in parliament would seem appropriate in a true democracy.”
Article 77 of the Rome Statute states that in the event of a conviction of, for example, crimes against humanity, a person can be sentenced to imprisonment of a maximum of up to 30 years or life imprisonment when justified by the extreme gravity of the crime. Additionally, the Court may order a fine and/or forfeiture of proceeds, property and assets derived directly or indirectly from that crime.
De Buisseret also tweeted that all UK Members of Parliament were served with Notices of Liability years ago warning them that they would be held liable for the harms caused by the covid measures they championed. “They can’t claim they didn’t know and weren’t given the facts, supporting evidence and law!” she said.
Those mentioned as well as the other 645 MPs were served with Notices of Liability back in 2020/2021 warning them that they will be held liable for the harms caused by the Covid measures. They can’t claim they didn’t know and weren’t given the facts, supporting evidence and law!
— Anna de Buisseret (@AnnadeBuisseret) February 28, 2024
Mordaunt’s reaction to Mr. Bridgen’s request was to wheel out the overused “conspiracy theory” accusation, the effect of which wore out years ago:
“I think the Honourable Gentleman’s incredibly subtle question is not lost on anyone in this House where he might be taking it. It is appropriate that the finale of this session, which has featured conspiracy theories, should fall to the honourable gentleman.”
As all cowards and bullies do when they fear being exposed, Mordaunt then threatened Mr. Bridgen and attempted to deflect attention onto him:
“And I would just caution him also just to reflect with the things that have been said about his own behaviour, what he does on social media, the security measures that have had to be stepped up for honourable members in this place in the wake of some of his social media tweets and questions in this House.”
And then she dropped a clue as to whose side she’s on by using a well-known mantra:
“I’m going to call out on every occasion when he is doing things that are, I think, a danger to our democracy and also the safety and security of members of this House.”
You can watch the exchange in the House of Commons yesterday below.
Before we delve further into Mordaunt’s giveaway remark, let’s be clear. Mr. Bridgen, his social media posts and his remarks in parliament are not a danger to our democracy.
In 2018, Sinclair Broadcast Group, owner or operator of nearly 200 television stations in the US, got news anchors to record a promo about “the troubling trend of irresponsible, one-sided news stories plaguing” the US.
“This is extremely dangerous to our democracy” is a mantra repeated numerous times in the now well-known compilation video.
The above may have been a gimmick but in real life, the mantra “danger to our democracy” has been favoured by those who are guilty but want to deflect attention away from themselves. It has been used similarly to the term “conspiracy theorist,” which was developed by the Central Intelligence Agency as a propaganda campaign to discredit doubters of the Warren Commission’s report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
In recent years, the mantra “danger to our democracy” has been used to describe statements relating to the fraudulent USA elections; “alternative” facts; the right-wing press; Trump, US Representative George Santos; MAGA Republicans; misinformation online; Australian humour and ridicule; academic freedom of speech and elections; and, intimidation of UK politicians.
With perhaps the exception of the last which is not as clear cut, all of the “dangers to democracy” appear to be accusations made by those in perceived positions of power who are trying to demonise their opponents or restrict freedoms.
As The European Conservative put it, the danger to our democracy comes from above, not below. To prove the point, below are some images of Mordaunt we found on Twitter. The last one isn’t from Twitter. It’s just a reminder of where you may have seen her before. She was the one who was dressed as an airline stewardess at Charles “The Great Reset” King’s coronation.
According to her World Economic Forum profile, Mordaunt read philosophy at university and then worked in media, communications and the press until she became the Member of Parliament for Portsmouth North in 2010. WEF doesn’t mention her stint as a magician’s assistant, although to be fair this was while she was a teenager to pay her way through sixth form, or so the story goes.
Neither does her WEF profile mention that through her mother she is a relative of Philip Snowden, the first Labour Chancellor of the Exchequer. It also doesn’t mention that Dame Angela Lansbury was her grandmother’s cousin, so Mordaunt is distantly related to former Labour Party leader George Lansbury.
Mordaunt was Secretary of State for International Development, leading the Department for International Development (“DFID”) ministerial team, from 2017 to 2019.
In that role, in 2019, Mordaunt contributed to a collection of essays that was published by the Centre for Policy Studies. CapX published Mordaunt’s contribution championing “Global Britain.” Below are some of the reasons she cited as why Britain lacked confidence, in part because “the challenges facing our generation can seem overwhelming”:
- Delivering the Global Goals from which we are so far adrift.
- The scientific challenges of global health insecurity and antimicrobial resistance.
- Protecting the environment and biodiversity.
- Dealing with the consequences of climate change.
The Global Goals are also known as the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”). The reasons Mordaunt gave may not have made much sense to many of us in 2019, but they do to most of us now.
It was not the first time that Mordaunt championed the SDGs. In April 2018, at the Wellcome Collection in London, Mordaunt presented her vision and priorities for DFID. She said she welcomed the commitment of the UK to play its part in achieving the SDGs. Two of her five priorities for the department were:
- Global health. Using NHS expertise to contribute towards global health security across a wide range of areas, including antimicrobial resistance and pandemics, with a continued focus on family planning and fighting diseases including polio, malaria and AIDS.
- Developing economies and human capital. Mordaunt announced a new trade offer partnering with the City of London to unlock investment in emerging markets in Africa and Asia, which would aim to deliver the Global Goals alongside a financial return for the UK.
Pushing the UN’s agenda is not unique to Mordaunt. What happened a few months later might be.
In October 2018, Mordaunt announced she wanted to part privatise funding for UK aid. The DFID chief, who took over almost a year before, had ramped up rhetoric on the role of the private sector in aid, and earlier in 2018 had announced plans to partner with the financial services sector.
Mordaunt said that given the vast financing gap that exists in reaching the SDGs, “the private sector has to be part of the answer,” adding that she sees significant opportunity to be “doing good while making money.”
It appears Mordaunt’s ramping up of rhetoric on the role of private sector aid paid off.
In November 2018, at the Global Financing Facility Replenishment Event held in Oslo – hosted by Melinda Gates, the President of Burkina Faso and the Prime Minister of Norway – the UK committed £50 million to the World Bank’s Global Financing Facility (“GFF”).
“This latest support [of £50 million] builds on the UK’s £30 million investment in the GFF made at the Family Planning Summit in London [in 2017],” DFID’s Mordaunt stated.
Adding that “the GFF is unique in that contributions from UK aid, alongside other donor countries, will be used to galvanise investment from the private sector and recipient governments too.”
The GFF was launched at the Financing for Development Conference in Addis Ababa in July 2015 by the United Nations and the World Bank to “help countries reach Universal Health Coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals.” It is a public-private partnership.
It “leverages technical partnerships with private global partners such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, MSD for Mothers, Laerdal Global Health and the Rockefeller Foundation.”
Other global partners include GAVI, the World Health Organisation, UNICEF, UN Women and the United Nations Population Fund (“UNFPA”).
GFF is governed by a committee. On the committee are three organisations that are not national governments: the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation and the World Bank Group.
As of October 2023, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was the third largest donor to GFF, after Canada and Norway.
In 2021, the book ‘Greater Britain After the Storm’ was published. Mordaunt was co-author of the book and the foreword was written by Bill Gates.
While Secretary of State for International Development, Mordaunt ramped up rhetoric on the role of private aid. During this time, DFID donated to a public-private partnership which is significantly influenced, if not controlled, by Bill Gates. Was Mordaunt Gates’ “man on the inside” of the UK government? Is Mordaunt still Gates’ man? Apart from self-protection, is this why she disparaged Mr. Bridgen as a “conspiracy theorist,” threatened him and said he was “a danger to democracy”?
Whatever her motives are, one Twitter user has a message for Mordaunt. Tom Czerniawski has submitted evidence to the International Criminal Court and reported a “historic crime against humanity, and global genocide, having taken place in the last 4 years (+/-) and not yet having concluded.”
@PennyMordaunt – please see below.
— Tom Czerniawski (@BlackTomThePyr8) February 29, 2024
It is my intent to charge the British government, among others, with commission of crimes against humanity, before the International Criminal Court.
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