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People Have To Be Fooled Into Wars

Nearly every war that has started in the last 50 years has been a result of media lies

People Have To Be Fooled Into Wars

Yet another war supposedly started.

Nearly every war that has started in the last 50 years has been a result of media lies

Julian Assange

This is a live camera feed from main Ukraine cities:

We have to remember that the Enemy number one of humankind is media itself. Our part on this game is to remember to use our common sense, seek for truth, be humble to accept that "Anyone can be deceived", be strong to overcome the pressure of reality and rely on the people we trust.

In order to understand the upper level framework of what is happening, the following video shall provide a good starting point for those of you who just realized how lost you are due to the Information Warfare we are all suffering.

Martin Armstrong is a self taught financial forecaster that created the first functional AI algorithm to model financial cycles. He is a world renowned economist and the creator of the Economic Confidence Model, founder of Princeton Economics and has advised investment funds, governments, and central banks around the world.

Watch his interview in the amazing PlanetLockdown series, an interview where each second is worth our time.

Be good.

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