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Re-Visiting Deagel 2025 Population Forecast: An Accidental Warning?

In 2014, the military and advanced technology company Deagel posted an article showing population growth for each country.

Re-Visiting Deagel 2025 Population Forecast: An Accidental Warning?

This article created alarm for many as it showed some very frightening statistics concerning many western nations predicted for 2025, and with us fast approaching that time, we take a look at these predictions to see if what we were being shown was just a mistake, or was there a hidden agenda behind this article?

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The report was produced back in 2014 and predicted what population rates in all countries globally would be in both 2017 and 2025, as well as other information, such as national GDP for both years. The sudden anomalies for many european countries as well as north america were quite jarring to say the least. For example, the UK’s population in 2025 would suddenly tank from 63,390,000 in 2017, to 14,517,860, a massive drop of 77%. The US would suddenly lose 68.5% of their population, while many other western nations showed a huge slump in population figures. It almost seems impossible that anyone could believe the statistics in this document, but it actually remained in place until it was finally removed by the author in April 2021, however some copies still remain online.

It is very hard to believe that this very detailed report was just a mistake by the creators, and so it begs the question, what was this actually created for? A large amount of effort was taken to produce this amount of detail for every nation in the world. So was this not meant to be released? Was it a warning by a concerned author? Or was it created to confuse and cause fear in order to control peoples lives?

The World Economic Forum, being one possible culprit behind it’s release, due to being quite blatant in their belief that they know what is best for the future of this planet and its inhabitants, and using their unchallenged power to push both agenda 21 and more recently agenda 2030, while using political puppets they have planted into governments around the globe to do their bidding. With too many bad actors behind the scenes, all motivated by power and greed, it really is hard to decide who could be behind this report.

Population growth has been a sticking point for the elites for many years now, with organisations, from NATO to the CIA, the Rockefeller Foundation to The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, and so on, all chiming in with their so called “sustainable plans” for us all. However, not one of these organisations have ever bothered to consult the masses. We have always been seen by these people as expendable commodities. And for that reason, it is not worth dismissing this document completely.

So what type of apocalyptic event could reduce populations by such a huge amount in such a short time, if it was to happen as predicted in this report? A man made pathogen being released somehow would probably make the most sense, however some could argue that a world war or famine, or even a rogue vaccine could be the cause. All of the above reasons are possible in today’s world, sadly.

A lack of trust in all authority due to constant lies, people drifting around in the shadows, as well as unelected mad men and women who just want to control everyone and everything, have created a world of anxiety ridden citizens, who are more aware than ever before, of the opaque dealings that go on by those at the top.

So, do we believe this report to be true? Regardless of your answer, we already know from the last few years, there are many who don’t care about our well-being, so, with that in mind, we must begin to really look after what we believe to be most important to us. Our health choices, such as what we consume and how we sustain a level of mental as well as physical fitness will help protect us from relying on big Pharma, living as independently from state run bureaucracy as possible, protecting our finances for any possible emergencies to come, and vitally important, having community, whether big or small, family or trusted friends, can help protect us from any possible storm that may unfold in the future, especially if we are called upon to protect people who are not as resilient to all the possible scenarios ahead.

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