Dark Jewels: Mining The Gifts Of 8 Difficult Emotions Our difficult emotions are not just unpleasant experiences..
50 Years of Near Death Experience Research Suggests That The “Soul” Is Real 50 years of research conducted by scientists into Near Death Experiences is summarized below..
The Top Reasons Why We Resist Change & How To Stop We resist change for many reasons, but ultimately, this comes down to our core.We want to hold onto belief systems, being right, stories that protect our egos.
Do You Resist Change? Do you ever notice yourself resisting events happening in your life? We all go through many different experiences, this article is not to say we cannot make changes and choose to avoid very un-favorable experiences, it is simply to say, sometimes we can find ourselves being very resistant to changes
New Moon In Sagittarius: Pursuing Ideals We are having a New Moon in Sagittarius on December 7th, 2018 in most of the world and late night December 6th in Western North America.
What Does It Even Mean To “Be The Best Version Of Yourself?” The self-help space often markets the term 'living the best version of yourself.' But what does this even mean? What are we truly seeking? Humanity is in a deep exploration to find higher states of consciousness and live our authentic self. Finding and expressing your authentic self can be
Your Shadow Self: How To Face It, Bring It To Light & Transcend It We all carry a darkness inside that we wish to keep hidden from ourselves and others.Without understanding and facing it, we remain unaware of it.
15 Cartoons Showing The Difference Between Dating & Real Love A set of cartoons that depicts what real love looks like has been presented..
6 Brutal Lies You Have To Stop Telling Yourself In Order To Get Your Shit Together We all tell lies, even if it isn't to others, we might lie to ourselves.This can be one thing that holds us back in many ways.
The Sublime Value Of ‘Ego Deaths’ 'Ego Deaths' are experiences all of us must go through in order to evolve along our journey towards the freedom and serenity of discovering and becoming our true selves.
Is Your Birth Experience Still Affecting You Today? According to Stanislav Grof, a biological matrix of emotional imprints and patterns can often be traced back to your very emergence into this world.
Full Moon In Gemini: Expanding The Way We Think We are having a Full Moon in Gemini on November 22nd or 23rd, depending on where you are located in the world.
6 Habits Of Highly Empathetic People A short video describes characteristics common among people with well-developed empathy.Empathy is the ability to understand and feel another, perceive life from another's perspective.
Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius: Revising Our Perspectives Mercury began the latest edition of its retrograde process on November 16th/17th, which will last until December 6th/7th.
The Barriers We Build Against Love As children we needed to be loved.We were entirely dependent on the adults around us, so the way they acted towards us - and each other - has had a big impact on how we show up to love as adults.