Featured Film: 9/11 Revisited Here is a great video to check out for more information about what caused the building collapses of 9/11.
The Great Unslept The following was taken from Sam Graci’s book The Path To Phenomenal Health, regarding sleep.
Humanity Is Waking Up Right now we are all resemble sheep.Following a uniform lifestyle that has already been cut out for us to follow.
David Icke: Virtual Reality and How Reptilians “Shut Down” Humanity This is an interesting short clip of David Icke talking about his view of how humanity is enslaved within this virtual reality via a planetary takeover of a race known as the Reptilians.
The Story of Stuff Today’s post is meant to be a little more interactive. Please watch the video by following the link.It is a very informative video in terms of consumerism.
Muse – Uprising; Have You Noticed Anything? How many of us have listened to this song and paid attention to the lyrics? I am only using this band as an example because they tend to be quite popular, but there are literally hundreds of bands out there right now who are trying to tell us what they
A Quickie With Jacque I found this interview with Jacque Fresco, a very wise, unique, and hard spoken man.Hes an industrial designer, visionary and founder of the Venus Project.
The Maya Of Eternal Time – Drunvalo Melchizedek What the true Mayan’s are doing, and what they have to say about the 2012 and the coming shift in consciousness on the planet.
The Ego (video) This is a great video that outlines beautifully what the ego is like and how it plays a role in our experience.
“Everything is O-K” Found this video on Youtube and really enjoyed it.I love to see how people have taken a creative way to raising awareness in a satire way.
Jeremy Jackson: How we wrecked the ocean This a TED Talk done by Jeremy Jackson, a marine biologist.He brings forth alot of unseen facts about our oceans, and whats happening under water.
2012 Event Horizon : Prophecies and Science of a Golden Age – David Wilcock This is one of David Wilcock’s latest productions released at the beginning of May 2010.This information is very well researched and communicated.
Can Mushrooms Save the World? Another beautiful presentation brought to us by TED.com.Mycologist Paul Stamets studies the mycelium, an astonishing fungus, and lists 6 ways that it can help save the world.
The “Known” Universe Heres a video compiled by the American Museum of Natural History.Apparently its made with the best scientific evidence to date of the ‘known’ universe, and how far we’ve mapped it.