

A collection of 2309 articles

Open letter to WHO: The process of the IHR amendments is unlawful and violates international law; you WILL BE held responsible

Earlier this month Global Health Responsibility published an open letter to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus regarding the procedural obligations in the process to amend the International Health Regulations and how the World Health Organisation is violating international legal obligations. Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively

Why is Moderna Substantially Expanding Manufacturing Capacity Despite Current Low Demand For Their “Poison?”

Moderna is substantially expanding manufacturing capacity, despite low demand for their mRNA “poison.” according to Pharma and medical device research and development executive Sasha Latypova. In December 2022 the government announced that the UK had cemented a 10-year-partnership with Moderna in “major boost for vaccines and research” with a plan

MUST WATCH: Previously Unpublished Recording – Pfizer Scientist Confirming Risk & “Very Sneaky” Side Effects of mRNA COVID Jabs.

Justin Leslie, a former operative with Project Veritas and O’Keefe Media Group, and a scientist previously involved in vaccine formulation at Pfizer, has brought to light unreleased recordings that raise serious questions about the pharmaceutical giant’s development and promotion of its COVID-19 vaccines. These recordings captured internal discussions

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