Broccoli Compound May Boost Cognitive Function Food has a profound effect on your health, whether to prevent disease or reverse the negative effects of disease and illness.
Black Seed – A Natural Remedy That’s Been Used for Centuries This humble, but immensely powerful seed, kills MRSA, heals the chemical weapon poisoned body, stimulates regeneration of the dying beta cells within the diabetic’s pancreas, and yet too few even know it exists. Yesterday we published a letter from one of our readers who contracted a Staphylococcus (“Staph”) infection
US: California Should Enact Housing, Treatment Options That Work (Sacramento) – A newly passed California measure that proponents claim will address the needs of unhoused people is open to abuse and risks failing to provide people with needed housing and services, Human Rights Watch said today. The bill, the Community Assistance Recovery and Empowerment (CARE) Court Program, or SB 1338,
Independent researchers find no mRNA in COVID jabs Vials subjected to a variety of independent microscopic and spectroscopic observations have shown little nucleic acid material and lots of graphene oxide.
Uzbekistan’s Proposed Medical Testing Law Violates Basic Rights Uzbekistan’s Internal Ministry has proposed a regressive new law that would require police to conduct mandatory testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, as part of police raids on venues where “dangerous groups” gather or live as well as those suspected of having close contact with them. Mandatory
Coronavirus Fact-check #16: “Can you HEAR Covid19?” Yesterday, the UK’s Daily Mail published an article about a new app which claims to be able to diagnose Covid19 infection just through the sound of your voice. The story was also covered by Sky, The Independent, the Telegraph and many others. The Mail headlined: Could a mobile APP
Experts Predict 350K UPS Workers Will Launch Historic Strike Experts have predicted UPS workers will go on strike in a move the would affect families across America.
Meta-Analyses Confirm Vitamin D Defends Against COVID STORY AT-A-GLANCE At this point, there is simply no question that vitamin D optimization is a crucial component of COVID-19 prevention and treatment.
The Truth About Drinking Water Clean alkaline drinking water is something that the public has pretty much taken for granted for the past hundred years.
Water Contaminants Index Drinking water, including most bottled, reverse osmosis, and distilled water may reasonably be expected to contain some contaminants
Flood-Affected Women in Pakistan Need Urgent Help Catastrophic floods have destroyed huge areas of Pakistan.
Study Shows This Supplement Can Reduce Depression and Anxiety STORY AT-A-GLANCE Your emotions, including anxiety and depression, have a strong connection to your overall health.
Why Government Health Care Kills More People Than It Helps STORY AT-A-GLANCE After botching the COVID response in every possible and improbable way, the U.S.
Pharmaceutical Adverse Reactions Are Skyrocketing STORY AT-A-GLANCE Research published July 4, 2022, online revealed some shocking statistics about the dramatic rise in adverse drug reactions in the U.K.