Powerful Women and Maiden, Mother, and Crone In celebration of Mother’s Day, use discount code “MAMA25” Powerful women are blessed with different stages in life, just as the moon follows a cycle of fullness and waning.
Central African Republic: Abuses by Russia-Linked Forces (Nairobi) – Forces in the Central African Republic, whom witnesses identified as Russian, appear to have summarily executed, tortured, and beaten civilians since 2019, Human Rights Watch said today.
Ukraine: Russian Forces Fired On Civilian Vehicles (Kyiv) – Russian forces have fired on civilian vehicles in three separate incidents in Ukraine’s Kyiv and Chernihiv regions, killing six civilians and wounding three, Human Rights Watch said today.
Pakistan: Amend Abusive ‘Blood Money’ Laws (New York) – The Pakistan government should amend provisions of the criminal law that treat murder and other serious offenses as private disputes, Human Rights Watch said today.
Urgently Help Ukraine Civilians Flee Mariupol (Kyiv) – Russian forces now occupying most of Ukraine’s southeastern port city of Mariupol should ensure that civilians remaining in the city can leave in safety to Ukraine-controlled territory if they choose, Human Rights Watch said today. Older people, people with disabilities, and those who are sick or injured require
Left Goes Bonkers After FL Votes to Eliminate Disney's Special Tax District The radical left on Thursday went bonkers after the Florida legislature voted to eliminate woke Disney’s special tax district.Gov.
Ukraine: Russian Forces’ Trail of Death in Bucha Russian forces committed a litany of apparent war crimes during their occupation of Bucha, a town about 30 kilometers northwest of Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, from March 4 to 31, 2022, Human Rights Watch said in a detailed report released today. Human Rights Watch researchers who worked in Bucha from
Morocco: Drop Charges Against Activist (Washington) – Moroccan authorities should drop charges against a social media commentator who risks up to four years in prison on a charge of disrespecting the king, Human Rights Watch said today.
UK Local Elections: A Chance to Improve Children’s Lives On May 5, voters across London will go to the polls to elect their new local government representatives.
The Human Rights Watch Film Festival Returns to New York (New York) The Human Rights Watch Film Festival, now in its 33rd year, will present a full edition of 10 groundbreaking new films, available both in person and online nationwide in the US from May 20 to 26, 2022. For the first time in two years, the New York festival
Central African Republic: War Crimes Court’s First Trial (Nairobi) – The opening of the first trial at the Central African Republic’s Special Criminal Court (SCC) on April 19, 2022 represents significant progress in the difficult effort to see justice for grave crimes committed in the country, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch issued a question-and-answer document
19th Annual Human Rights Watch Canada Film Festival The 19th annual Human Rights Watch Canada Film Festival (HRWFF), in its third year of partnership with Hot Docs, will present five films about key issues of the day to audiences in Toronto and, for the second time, digitally across Canada. The film festival is committed to amplifying courageous voices
Belarus Blocks Human Rights Watch Website On April 5, Belarus’s prosecutor general announced that Human Rights Watch’s website had been blocked, following an order by the Minsk City Prosecutor’s office.
Racing to Document War Crimes in Ukraine Seven Ukrainian civilians executed by Russian soldiers in two separate incidents.A case of repeated rape.
Ukraine: Apparent War Crimes in Russia-Controlled Areas (Warsaw) – Human Rights Watch has documented several cases of Russian military forces committing laws-of-war violations against civilians in occupied areas of the Chernihiv, Kharkiv, and Kyiv regions of Ukraine. These include a case of repeated rape; two cases of summary execution, one of six men, the other of one man;