Meet JOMO: The Joy of Missing Out (and Why You Should Practice It) Meet the new and improved FOMO, this is JOMO and it is so much better for you.
6 Things a Passive-Aggressive Narcissist Does to Make You Feel Guilty and Worthless Dealing with a narcissist is bad enough on its own, but when it comes to the passive-aggressive one, you’re on another level.On the scale of narcissism, you never want to be at the high end.
Ennui: an Emotional State You’ve Experienced but Didn’t Know the Name for Ennui (pronounced on-we) is a word we’ve stolen from the French language and literally translates to “Boredom” in English.
4 Ways Female Psychopaths Differ from Male Psychopaths, According to Studies When it comes to psychopaths, we tend to focus our attention on men.I mean, off the top of my head I can think of many male psychopaths.
Why Your Internal Dialogue Is More Important Than You Think & What It Reveals You know the voice inside your head that chats to you when everything is quiet? That’s your internal dialogue.It may speak a little differently for everyone, but we all have one.
What Is Psychic Protection and How You Can Shield Yourself from Bad Energy Psychic protection is a powerful tool.It allows you to live a life that is in line with your personal fulfilment and your spiritual truth.
The Psychology of Female Killers: Why Do Women Kill? Women make up half of society, yet, they commit under 15% of all murders.Clearly, female killers are rare.
When Feeling Like a Failure, Remember These 8 Things Have you been feeling like a failure lately? Well, there are several things you must remember.I must admit, sometimes I do feel this way.
5 Zen Teachings That Will Help You Become a Wiser and Calmer Person There are several Zen teachings that can be profoundly useful to our well-being.We can often feel worried, angry, confused or a number of other unhealthy emotions at various times in our lives.
The Lucifer Effect: Why Good People Do Evil Things, According to Psychology It seems that we can’t turn on the news these days without hearing about another tragic mass shooting or the perverse exploits of a twisted serial killer.
What Is the Spiritual Meaning of 333 and What to Do If You See It Everywhere? The universe communicates with us in a wide variety of ways, we just need to be awake enough to listen.
Shaolin Monk Training and 5 Powerful Life Lessons Learned from It If you are looking for more control in your life, both physical and mentally, look into Shaolin monk training.
The Evolutionary Roots of Our Stress Response and What We Can Learn Today When is the last time you heard of a group of people passing away from the flu? How about a village of mothers not surviving childbirth? Or maybe a couple on a walk devoured by a lion? Probably not soon, and if so, not often. So what has this got
Fear of Rejection and 6 Lies It’s Telling You about Yourself and Others I believe everyone goes through the fear of rejection at some point or another.We’ve even believed the lies it’s telling us too.
3 Main Causes of Laziness and How You Can Overcome Them Laziness can get the best of all of us.However, there are some reasons it happens, and it is possible to overcome it.