16 Covid-Skeptic Memes to Get You Through the Day – Part 6 Hopefully after the Freedom March on 26th June people are feeling a little buoyed up.
The One Ring and the Villain in All of Us This year marks the 20th anniversary of the release of the Fellowship of the Ring, the first part of Peter Jackson’s trilogy adapting JRR Tolkien’s Lord of Rings.
How Social Media Giants Took Over World Power and We Didn’t Notice Back in 2008, Facebook seemed so new and fun – you could chat with your friends, upload photos, and meet new people.
5 Negative Character Traits Disguised As Good Qualities in Our Society In our society, there is a steady pattern of favoring certain personality traits and behaviors over others.
An Epidemic of Low Expectations Years ago, I was sitting in a café with my rabble-rousing friend James, both of us gnawing our teeth over the myriad difficulties facing the peace and social justice movement in the United States. We cited the usual suspects that stood in the way of progress: the entrenched corporate and
Denying the Demonic In March of last year as the coronavirus panic was starting, I wrote a somewhat flippant article saying that the obsession with buying and hoarding toilet paper was the people’s vaccine. My point was simple: excrement and death have long been associated in cultural history and in the Western
The Workers Who Make the Clouds Hardly a day goes by without news of the multi-sided impact of the digital world, how it shapes our individual lives and our collective future.
Editorial: Integrating Philosophical and Scientific Approaches in Consciousness Research Consciousness has a long history as a topic of philosophical investigation.But its status as an object of scientific inquiry is a comparatively recent development.
A Symbiosis of Humans & Technology – Changing The Conversation Have you ever noticed that discussions about transhumanism tend to focus on technology more than humanism?
The Astonishing Evidence That Made Carl Sagan Believe “Reincarnation Deserves Serious Study” Carl Sagan wrote in 1996 that reincarnation, among other topics within the realms of parapsychology, are worthy of serious study.
You Know “We’ll Never Know,” Don’t You? In his new, six-part, seven hours plus documentary – “Can’t Get You Out of My Head: An Emotional History of the Modern World” – the celebrated English documentary filmmaker, Adam Curtis, who has worked for the BBC for decades, tells us that nothing makes sense anymore and it is… pointless to
Epicureanism vs Stoicism: Two Different Approaches to Happiness An Epicurean and a Stoic enter a bar.
The Pine-eyed Boy Escapes from the Belly of the Dark Night in the Fish’s Tale PINOCCHIO • directed by matteo garrone • production designer dimitri capuani It’s hard to say where things begin, but they do, as do we, and we are somehow in them and they in us, and a story begins. Then the story gets silently disclosed as we live it, even though most
The Invincible Green Stick of Happiness Tolstoy’s grave on the edge of the ravine at his estate Yasnaya Polyana (BERT BEYNEN) After a night of haunting dreams that flowed as if they were written like running water, written on air, as the Roman poet Catullus once said, in the depth of a dark winter morning,