Klaus Schwab wants to stop the retreat of globalisation and global governance with a new form of globalisation and global governance Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret’s book ‘Covid-19: The Great Reset’ identified “the global governance free fall” as an existential challenge and if we do not collaborate “we are doomed.” “Nation states make global governance possible (one leads the other),” the book states. “The more nationalism and isolationism pervade the
Commentary: On the need for metaphysics in psychedelic therapy and research This article is a commentary on: On the need for metaphysics in psychedelic therapy and researchRead original article .
Two Australian researchers conclude “far-right” humour is a danger to democracy Two Australian political researchers published a paper in Television & New Media to examine “the use of online humour and ridicule to promote and normalise far-right exclusionary discourses.” Their examination is limited to Australian politician Pauline Hanson’s cartoon series Please Explain. From this cartoon series, they have drawn all their
Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger has started a database of encyclopaedias to challenge Wikipedia’s dominance Wikipedia has become a bastion of establishment propaganda that no longer even pretends to be neutral on the controversies of the day, and this is very dangerous to society, explained Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman. This undermining of neutrality,
Minimal self-consciousness and the flying man argument The concept of minimal self-consciousness or “minimal self” is equivalent to a very basic form of first-person, pre-reflective self-awareness, which includes bodily self-awareness, and is related to phenomenal experience (qualia) and sentience. This phenomenological concept plays a role in characterizations of the senses of ownership and agency; in recent debates
When philosophical nuance matters: safeguarding consciousness research from restrictive assumptions In this paper, we revisit the debate surrounding the Unfolding Argument (UA) against causal structure theories of consciousness (as well as the hard-criteria research program it prescribes), using it as a platform for discussing theoretical and methodological issues in consciousness research. Causal structure theories assert that consciousness depends on a
David Icke – Exposing the Illuminati & Satanic Government & That’s Why He Gets Censored! “Do you know anyone who’s confident and secure in and of themselves, who wants to censor anybody? No, no they’re quite happy for an open debate and free flow of information because they’re confident that what they’re saying will stand up to that scrutiny. People who
Why Are People so Obedient? Compliance and Tyranny Plans for a totalitarian future are dependent on obedience of the masses.
Neuropsychological assessment methodology revisited: metatheoretical reflections Theory building in neuropsychology, similar to other disciplines, rests on metatheoretical assumptions of philosophical origin.
Some Call It Conspiracy Theory – Part 2 In Part 1 we contrasted the popular misconceptions about so-called “conspiracy theorists” with the well-grounded demographic research done on the individuals who, collectively, have had that pejorative label slapped on them. The demographic research reveals that there is no such thing as an identifiable group of people who can legitimately
John Kerry: “Humanity is inexorably threatened by humanity itself” In August, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry addressed the Scottish Global Dialogues about the “climate crisis.” He summoned up the spirit of The Club of Rome’s 1991 publication which dishonestly claimed “the common enemy of humanity is man.” Kerry’s extremist views were welcomed by the
The Winter of our Dis-content The Canada geese are honking now in great swathes in the sky riding currents to where the water will not freeze over and there are bits of greenery to feed on.
Some Call It Conspiracy Theory – Part 1 There are certain assumptions that are applied to anyone labelled a “conspiracy theorist”—and all of them are fallacies.