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The European Union Decides to Rearm : State of the World from NPR

The flag of the European Union flies at the EU headquarters during the Special European Council to discuss continued support for Ukraine and European defence, in Brussels on March 6, 2025.

The European Union Decides to Rearm : State of the World from NPR

The flag of the European Union flies at the EU headquarters during the Special European Council to discuss continued support for Ukraine and European defence, in Brussels on March 6, 2025. HATIM KAGHAT/BELGA/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

The flag of the European Union flies at the EU headquarters during the Special European Council to discuss continued support for Ukraine and European defence, in Brussels on March 6, 2025.

Leaders of the European Union have voted to approve a plan to dramatically increase defense spending. The move is a reaction to the U.S. reducing its support for Ukraine in the war against Russia's invasion. We go to Brussels to understand the ramifications.

And we hear what the series of recent developments in the relationship between the U.S. and Ukraine could mean for peace talks with Russia.

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