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The Eventual Collapse of The Economy

Those behind our economic system are becoming transparent and irrational in their actions.

The Eventual Collapse of The Economy

This is evident more and more everyday as the foundations continue to crack in our ticking time bomb of a corrupt financial system. This, fortunately, is a great tool for us all because as things play out in an obvious manner, we can easily see the reasons behind the actions of those in charge. This awakens us to what is really going on giving us the opportunity to come together to opt out and change our current ways. We are moving towards an eventual financial collapse and its going to take the collective understanding that this is not a “bad” thing but merely a necessary thing. Of course we can’t know when exactly, but in the years ahead, it is likely we will see more people wishing to opt out of the system. Please see the video below for an understanding of what is happening right now. .

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