The Hidden History of Tartaria
Guised as kings, queens, government and the ultimate authority, the elite create the paradigm which serves to keep Order in this New World.

The following documentary shows amazing evidence of ancient artefacts, ancient cities and archeological findings dismantling the official history of palaeolithic and neolithic ages, where we are told humans were practically shaping stones and hunting wild animals around 10000 years ago. Instead, we find ancient monolithic buildings craved in the stone, huge building blocks we cannot even lift today, perfectly stone carved temples and much more archeological incoherences according what the official history says.
Tartaria, Connecting the Hidden Dots in Plain Sight is a great documentary explaining the lies we have been told during our childhood in the School System, mainly to indoctrinate us into their vision and give foundation to the distorted belief system most of us has grown with.
A Collection of maps from Tartaria,

Original Notes
Imagine if we all lived a controlled world purposely set to begin anew every few hundred years? Imagine if our history was systematically wiped out via war, disease, famine, weather and cataclysmic events which leave us in a state of global amnesia. Taking refuge in the catacombs created via their previous resets, the elite resurface with child-slaves in hand, brainwashed and ready to be reintroduced into "re-creation" parks, entertained with countless "amusement parks" displayed on carousel wheels where they are bought and sold at "Carn-ivals" then shipped to repopulate the newly looted cites.
Guised as kings, queens, government and the ultimate authority, the elite create the paradigm which serves to keep order in this "New World" for the following few centuries.
Dig deep with me into the catacomb of our minds wherein lies remnants of truth hidden right before our eyes.