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The Holistic Children’s Author Who Is On A Mission To Save Our Children

Children today are bombarded with so much harmful advertising through television, magazines, movies, billboards, and even books.

The Holistic Children’s Author Who Is On A Mission To Save Our Children

As any parent knows, children are like sponges, and subtle messages can impact a child’s self esteem and beliefs far too easily. Quite literally, they believe nearly everything they see and read, and this undeveloped critical thinking ability can be exploited to further any number of agendas. Constant advertising of unhealthy foods, medications, and the latest gadgets and toys doesn’t do our children any good at all. In fact, there is evidence to show that it is most definitely harming them. To learn more about this trend, you may want to read the following article: 7 Highly Disturbing Trends in Junk Food Advertising to Children. Just look at how many obese and overweight children there are today and how many of them don’t make the connection between what they are eating and the state of their health.

They have been conned into thinking that junk food makes up a large part of a normal, healthy diet. Many children also lack the ability to identify common fruits and vegetables, and certainly don’t understand the connection between eating these things and having a healthy body. Nor do they know that a healthy body is one which does not get sick often, is (generally) within a normal weight range, and maintains stable moods. Kids are often prone to ADD or ADHD these days and for many, it can be triggered by too much sugar and too many chemicals added to these foods. This photo was taken in Australia at a hospital that was raising money for cancer.

They are doing this by selling junk foods which are, of course, linked to disease. What is most concerning these days is that through the media, pharmaceutical drugs are also being advertised incessantly, and our children are being exposed to these ads as much as we are.

Then, without the correct guidance from parents, they are more likely to grow up and take a pill for every ill, instead of understanding how to achieve holistic health.

They will be more likely to grow up giving the responsibility for their own health to others — namely doctors and drug companies — who do not treat people in a way that decreases the need for their services. Vegetarian Muscles debunks the myth that vegetarians are weak and also gives children great reasons to be vegetarian, including environmental and health reasons We must ask ourselves, do we really want our kids to end up on medication from a young age, which will generally mean they are on them for life? Do we really want our kids to suffer from diabetes or depression and other generally food related illnesses because we didn’t instill these good messages when they were young? Sure, it must be said that it’s also the parents’ responsibility to keep their children healthy, and they indeed need education too, but we also need to focus on our children and encourage them to develop a broader understanding about health and good living. A page from Don’t Billy Bully – How to help kids deal with bullying. A great book for kids today There is a multibillion dollar global industry that simply does not want this to happen. If we collectively stop buying their unhealthy foods and products, these companies will collapse (hence the extreme and incessant advertisements we see everywhere). But they won’t go down without a fight. So what can we do about this? Well, we can start by educating ourselves and our children. I’m very pleased to tell you about a wonderful children’s book author from Australia, Stephanie Messenger, who is on a mission to get our children healthier and also to help the parents and adults who read these books to think much more deeply about how to create health naturally. Educates both child and parent about measles, the risks of vaccinations, how they often spread the disease, and how to treat if measles is caught. A powerful book that will allow your child to have a better understanding of how diseases are contracted and how junk foods and a lack of sun, exercise, and clean water will cause the disease to be much worse. Click the cover to read a review by an immunologist. Stephanie has written a series of glossy bright and beautiful books on all sorts of different health and well-being topics that children and adults will enjoy reading together. Tina visits Melanie after school to see if she is ok. She shows her friend her rash. I asked her why she wrote this series: I wrote the books because it is important to break the cycle of ignorance and fear around health and childhood disease, so educating children about natural health is important. Helping children deal with loss of a loved one. This book exposes children to the idea that they create most of their ill health by the choices they make. It encourages them to listen to the messages their bodies give them. Sarah visits a naturopath with her mother to get advice on staying well according to nature’s laws. Sarah visiting her Naturopath My almost 4 year old absolutely loves reading these books with me. I have even heard her talking to her friends about some of the messages in the books! When I say to her, “Lets eat this because it’s good for us,” she understands and actually eats the fruit/veggie I put in front of her. When you tell children they can become ill if they don’t eat the right things, they tend to take it on board. I mean, what kid wants to be sick? Would you like to know more about the author? Read Stephanie’s personal heartbreaking story here. You can also listen to a fascinating interview by the UK’s radio host Richie Allen with Stephanie about what happened to her son Jason. A page from Goodbye Grandma which helps children understand the cycle of life – very helpful when a relative passes on. To PURCHASE Stephanie’s wonderful books please visit her website. Discounts on multiple book purchases are available. Each book is excellent quality, glossy, and has full colour pages.

They are priced at AUS $14.95. If you’d like to learn more about vaccines please watch Vaccines Revealed a 9 part Doco series .

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