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The Light Bearers Path

We are in a time of great change, but also great confusion.Our old traditions and the way we used to perceive the world is changing, which of course is a good thing.

The Light Bearers Path

. What exactly it is changing into is what remains within our control, but in everyday society we lack positive guidance and wisdom to lead us into a better age. And with all of the current conflicts and separation in the world, a guiding light would aid us all greatly.

The path of the Light Bearer offers many opportunities to be that beacon mankind needs. We do not stand above the rest, but we have made the choice to make a difference in ourselves and in those around us. We wish to manifest divinity into the world on a greater scale, and we do this by moving ever closer to the source of Light, by cleansing our minds, bodies and souls so that the light which is reflected from the Divine through us, is not tainted and that it comes through clearly. If we are to bring about Peace, Light and Unity to the world, now is when we must play the greatest role in the ongoing changes of our planet. Each Light bearer has his/her own beliefs and practices. However, each of us follows a constant code. This code, while without being spoken, is common in each of us, because our beliefs and practices stem from the same source of light and divinity. Our inspiration and motivation comes from The Divine All, of which we are all a part. And this alone is what shall allow cohesion and unity. It is when this truth is embraced on a grand scale that we will finally be able to come together and pool our talents, abilities, and knowledge so that we may grow stronger and have a better understanding of the Universe we are in. We are endowed with great patience and great understanding. We are capable of ascending above the trivial and mundane, to see the greater purpose of things and the eternal love that emanates from within. We move with grace and serenity, offering love and light to all things. We defend and protect all forms of life, regardless how un-important they may seem. We do not draw lines, but except reality as it is and as it should be understood. AS ONE. Our daily activities should always reflect the Divinity within. We cannot be judgmental if we do not wish to be judged. We cannot spread hate if we are beings of Love. We must not assume if we wish to be wise. We are preservers of life and wish to bring balance to man and nature. We wish to cause unity where there was once separation. We must KNOW THYSELF, if we ever wish to know anything outside the SELF. As you picture your perfect world, picture yourself in it and envision the part you play. Will you only sit by idly and wait for someone else to do it? Will you give away your control, your abilities to lead? Or will you embrace your destiny as a Light Bearer and be the Beacon of Light in a world of Darkness....? Namaste Grimm .

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