The real reason why this winter’s flu is the worst for years
The 2025 flu season is being touted by corporate media as the worst in years, with more deaths than from covid-19. Dr. Vernon Coleman attributes the severity of the flu season to factors such as lockdown laws, social distancing and the covi

The 2025 flu season is being touted by corporate media as the worst in years, with more deaths than from covid-19.
Dr. Vernon Coleman attributes the severity of the flu season to factors such as lockdown laws, social distancing and the covid-19 vaccine, which he says has damaged immune systems and made people more susceptible to infection.
Other causal factors Dr. Coleman highlights are the deliberate dimming of the sun, which reduces vitamin D levels, and the use of live nasal flu vaccines in children, which can spread the flu to others, particularly the elderly.
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The corporate media, written and edited by bought-and-paid-for propaganda hacks and ignorant lackeys posing as journalists, claim that the 2025 flu is the worst for years. Some have warned that there have been more deaths from the 2025 flu than there were from covid-19, which is odd because I seem to remember we were told that the manufactured fake covid scare was killing tens if not hundreds of millions. (They weren’t, of course. The figures show that covid-19 killed about the same number of people as an ordinary flu.)
The fake journalists working for the corporate media do, of course, have an explanation for the terror which is apparently being unleashed upon us.
People are dying because they haven’t been vaccinated with the latest flu jab! Those nasty anti-vaxxers have been telling people the truth about vaccines and so now millions of people run the other way if they see a doctor or nurse with a syringe in their hands.
Actually, of course, the fake journalists are talking gibberish.
There are several real reasons why the flu this year is killing more people than any flu in memory.
And several reasons why next year’s flu will be even more lethal. And so on and so on indefinitely.
First, the absurd lockdown laws and social distancing regulations which were brought in (with no supporting evidence whatsoever, of course) left everyone who obeyed the rules more susceptible to infection. And locking people indoors meant less sunshine and less vitamin D – a vital vitamin in protecting us against infection. (Early in 2020 I made a video encouraging people to take vitamin D supplements. Naturally, the thoroughly evil YouTube took the video down and banished it permanently. When are YouTube’s executives going to be arrested and charged with accessory to genocide?)
Second, the deliberate dimming of the sun (And don’t believe the lies online that they haven’t started doing this yet, they have been doing this for a long time – and I have evidence of this) means that people are now getting very little vitamin D. Without vitamin D they are more susceptible to infection.
Third, the BIG reason is, of course, the covid-19 vaccine. Way, way back when the most toxic vaccine in history was first introduced, I warned that it would damage immune systems AND make the vaccinated more susceptible to other infections in the future – dangerously so. (My early videos containing these warnings were all deleted because they contained the truth and nothing but the truth but the scripts from 2020 are available in three books: `Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History’; `Covid-19: Exposing the Lies’ and `Covid-19:The Fraud Continues’. All are available through the bookshop on my website.)
Again, as I have been saying for years, it would be easy to prove just how damaging the covid-19 vaccine has been.
Find out how many covid-vaccinated people got the flu this year and then compare the figure with the number of people who weren’t given the covid-19 vaccine but who got the flu this year. It would cost peanuts to do this and the answer would tell us forever whether the covid vaccine was as dangerous as I said it was.
So, naturally, that simple trial will not be done. Ever. The results would prove that the medical establishment, all politicians, a pile of celebrities, thousands of greedy doctors and hordes of corporate journalists were all lying through their teeth.
Meanwhile, I can tell you two things.
First, insane, murderous doctors and nurses are still promoting and giving the toxic covid-19 vaccine even though it has been proven not to work and to be dangerous.
Second, next year’s annual flu will kill even more people. The depopulation plan is underway. The vaccinated hordes are going to die early – as I warned they would.
Oh, and there is one other thing worth mentioning – one other reason why more people are dying of the flu. Doctors and nurses have been busy giving nasal flu vaccines to zillions of children.
They say the nasal flu vaccine is “attenuated.” But that means that it is live.
And when the kids with the nasal flu vaccine up their noses go to see Grandma and Grandpa they give them the flu and kill them.
Mission accomplished.
Note: If you want to know the truth about vaccines please read my book `Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying’. It’s cheap but packed with stuff you need to know. To purchase a copy CLICK HERE.
About the Author
Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books. He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website, HERE, there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.
There are no ads, no fees and no requests for donations on Dr. Coleman’s website or videos. He pays for everything through book sales. If you want to help finance his work, please just buy a book – there are over 100 books by Vernon Coleman in print on Amazon.
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