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The Recent Increase In Chemtrails

Maybe you have noticed or maybe you haven’t, but there has been quite the increase in Chemtrails over the past 2 months.

The Recent Increase In Chemtrails

This article is being written to create awareness about chemtrails, not to create anger that they exist or a violent fight against those who spray them. Too often do “truth seekers” want to get violent or fight the new world order, the suppression is much easier to dismantle without violence and angry opposition. Awareness and peace is everything. Chemtrails are a mixture of heavy metals (silver dioxide, sulphur dioxide, barium dioxide, alluminum etc.) selectively sprayed from airplanes as they fly.

They appear as long white lines up in the sky, not to be confused with contrails which is simply condensation released from the airplane.

The difference between the two is very easy to determine. A regular harmless contrail will dissipate from the plane and diminish very quickly leaving a short line as the plane goes by. A Chemtrail is quite different in the sense that you will see the line go for miles and over time is expands across the sky creating a haze. Have you ever noticed a bright blue sky suddenly become overcast with a grey haze? It may have been the result of a number of chemtrails in the area.

The next time you see what you think is a contrail in the sky, observe it for a few more minutes and see if it remains as a large long line that expands and dusts the sky. Maybe there will be several.

The reason these are sprayed are simply to offset the natural harmony of the body and it’s health as well as to affect brain activity.

These chemicals get into the air we breath, the water we drink and the soil that grows our food. It intends to damage productivity in the brain so it’s not as sharp.

The reason for the recent increase in activity is simple, the Elite is in a state of panic as they are watching their power slip away and they see their days ruling are numbered.

They are also watching as many of their regular tactics are starting to fail as we at the soul level choose to have them not affect us.

They are simply doing whatever they can at this point. Similar to the recent increase of chlorine in many water supplies. Here are some pictures taken in earl April of 2010 in Pickering, Ontario. Starts: Expands: Multiple: Expands further: Starting to cover sky: Almost fully covered: Covered... and their spraying one more for good measure: Peace Joe .

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