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The view from Greenland: 'We don't want to be Americans' : Consider This from NPR

Naaja Nathanielsen poses for a portrait in her office in Nuuk, Greenland on Feb. 20, 2025. Grace Widyatmadja/NPR hide caption President Trump's calls for the U.S.

The view from Greenland: 'We don't want to be Americans' : Consider This from NPR

Naaja Nathanielsen poses for a portrait in her office in Nuuk, Greenland on Feb. 20, 2025. Grace Widyatmadja/NPR hide caption

President Trump's calls for the U.S. to take over Greenland have sparked alarm and outrage.

Denmark, which is responsible for Greenland's security, recently announced that it would further boost its defense spending.

And a recent poll found 85 percent of Greenlanders are opposed to being part of the United States.

Parliamentary candidate Naaja Nathanielsen is one of them.

It isn't clear whether Trump's ambitions for Greenland will take. But some politicians in the territory are taking his calls for acquisition more seriously than ever before.

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This episode was produced by Mat Ozug, Vincent Acovino and Elena Burnett and was edited by Ashley Brown, Courtney Dorning and Nadia Lancy. Our executive producer is Sami Yenigun.

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