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The wreckage of AIDS & its parallels with Covid-19; an interview with Dr Corbett

With the SARS-CoV-2 myth not working as well as they’d like, governments around the world and their media echo chambers have attempted to resuscitate the old virus myth of HIV.

The wreckage of AIDS & its parallels with Covid-19; an interview with Dr Corbett

In light of these developments, Planet-Uplift spoke at length with Dr Kevin Corbett MSc Phd, a retired registered nurse, health scientist and educator for the health professions, who in the film below, helps to unpack the history of AIDS and its links to COVID-19.

Dr Corbett is one of the very few individuals in the UK with expertise in clinical and academic healthcare to not only challenge the official government line about the ‘Covid’ hysteria but to question the very existence of an isolated and purified SARS-CoV-2 virus.

From the very start of the alleged pandemic, Dr Corbett has spoken out against government measures to allegedly control the virus, which have proven to be futile and extremely harmful to society. Dr Corbett has worked in hospitals as well as community and forensic medical services. Additionally he then went on to work in health sciences research where he looked into people’s experiences of medical diagnosis and treatments for chronic health conditions, particularly in HIV and AIDS.

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