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This Beauty Pageant Contestant Decided To Use Her Talent Segment To Tell A Powerful Story

When most of us think of beauty pageants, the first thing to come to mind is the superficiality that they tend to promote and celebrate.

This Beauty Pageant Contestant Decided To Use Her Talent Segment To Tell A Powerful Story

Yet, we as a collective still love to tune into them, with approximately 6.2 million viewers watching the Miss Universe pageant which aired earlier this week — a pageant that was marred by host Steve Harvey’s incorrect announcement of the evening’s winner, something that Joe and I picked apart in our most recent episode of These Guys. With so many of us still actively engaged in these “beauty” centred spectacles, it’s certainly refreshing when something happens within them that goes against convention. That is exactly what occurred at this year’s Miss America 2016 competition, where the representative from Colorado, Kelley Johnson, decided to use her talent segment in a different way. While most opt to sing, dance, or play a musical instrument, Kelley elected to share a personal story about her work as a nurse. Check it out: When asked to describe who we are or what we do, most of us will quickly refer to a number of common labels, such as our occupation, familial status, or, as in the case of Joe, a disease we are battling.

The truth, however, as Nurse Johnson and Joe perfectly reminded one another, is that we are all more than just a label, and the impact that we have as individuals is actually quite profound. My own job right now, for example, could easily be labelled as simply “writer.” But in another sense, I could also describe myself as a content creator whose work is read by thousands weekly, possibly brightening their day or giving them some food for thought. I personally believe that there is a lot of power to be found within all of us when we stop belittling ourselves, and that consciousness has a huge impact on all aspects of existence. I feel that in the case of Joe, seeing himself as a sufferer or Alzheimer’s will only further enforce that experience, rather than seeing himself as the unique person that he is — a difference in perspective that could play a big role in his healing process. —————————— Kelley Johnson ended up finishing 3rd in the competition, and went on to further defend her talent choice on a segment of Ellen. I personally love when people use moments in the public spotlight to shed light on key issues or to do things unconventionally. What are your thoughts on Miss Colorado’s monologue? Let us know via the comment section below! .

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