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This Guy Didn’t Speak For 365 Days To Raise Awareness For Animals

To many of us, the idea of going an entire day without speaking seems unfathomable.

This Guy Didn’t Speak For 365 Days To Raise Awareness For Animals

We depend on our voice to express ourselves, to connect with one another and to distract ourselves from the seemingly limitless thoughts of our mind. On January 1st, 2014 Australian James Aspey began what would become a remarkable feat to help raise awareness for something he is passionate about. On January 31st, 2014 the mission was accomplished as James successfully went an entire year -365 days -without speaking to raise awareness for animals. Over the course of the year, James travelled across Australia in a camper van, stopping at various popular public destinations to raise awareness for the cause. According to his website, the key points James set out to inform the public about through his campaign were: Since successfully completing his mission, James has been interviewed by several major platforms including a live talk on Australian television, as well as a sit down with YouTube figure Freelee The Banana Girl. At the age of 17, James was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia and T-cell Lymphoma. After going through the trials and tribulations of chemotherapy, James -with the help of a personal trainer -was able to get back on track and is in remission to this day. Since that point, James has made it his mission to help others through his work as a personal trainer, where he truly practices what he preaches as an individual on a plant-based diet. Meditation, exercise, diet and much more all play a vital role in the lifestyle that James leads, a lifestyle that he developed progressively through his incredible story which is fully outlined here.

The subject of animal rights is a recurring theme here at Collective Evolution, as we too regularly try to do our part in raising awareness and creating change around this issue. Here are some of the most popular pieces to inform yourself about: It’s Time To Put An End To Animal Testing -Here’s How We Can Do It ‘Chilling Cruelty, Unspeakable Suffering Corporate Denial’ – The Real Cost Of Canada Goose Jackets It Was Only 20 Minutes Into This Film When My Life Changed Forever ——————————————– James’s incredible one year journey may have come to an end but his work has just begun, and we can all do our part in helping it move forward. Be sure to follow James on both Facebook and Twitter, look into his inspiration with an open mind and see if it inspires you to make any changes in your own life. .

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