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This Is What Is Happening Between Israel & Palestine – Why Doesn’t The Mainstream Media Care?

As we’ve learned from the past, conflict and war does not happen without corruption, foreign influence and the manipulation of perception via media outlets worldwide.

This Is What Is Happening Between Israel & Palestine – Why Doesn’t The Mainstream Media Care?

Usually, what we are presented with on TV is not the real story, instead, taking real events and manufacturing the story to suit the interests of the parties involved. 9/11 was a great example. We’ve also seen attempted extermination of people, the Canadian First Nations Genocide is a prime example. This is what the human race needs to move on from. It’s unfortunate that there are human beings who are experiencing what they are experiencing. What is happening in Gaza is something that does not need to be a part of the human experience anymore. This is something no human being desires, or agrees with. Nobody resonates with this type of activity, unless their consciousness can be manipulated to justify murder. On the flip side we do see that Israel is allowing aid into Gaza. 200 trucks of goods including food and basic products passed into Gaza from Israel’s Kerem Shalom crossing with Gaza. This shows the other side of humanity as well, the caring and loving side that usually comes from within the people and not the political and corporate agendas that begins these wars. We will not have a future unless activity like this on our planet stops. Western media outlets will have you believe that this is violent action caused by the actions of Hamas but history tells us a different story. Regardless, I am going to stay away from the issue because it doesn’t matter . What matters is that people are dying, human beings are killing other human beings and this is something we desperately need to move away from Abby Martin from RT news expresses her frustration about what is happening to Palestinians in Gaza. This is HER take on the matter, feel free to share yours in the comment section below. .

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