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U.S. stock markets plunge as Trump's tariffs spark fears about a trade war

Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in the Financial District in New York City on Tuesday. Timothy A. Clary/AFP via Getty Images

U.S. stock markets plunge as Trump's tariffs spark fears about a trade war

Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in the Financial District in New York City on Tuesday. Timothy A. Clary/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

U.S. stock markets plummeted on Tuesday as a new global trade war began.

Your Money

Here's how Trump's tariffs could cost you and your wallet

China and Canada announced new retaliatory measures on Tuesday after President Trump's long-promised tariffs took effect overnight. Trump imposed a 25% levy on most imports from Canada and Mexico, with a separate 10% tariff on Canadian energy exports. Tariffs on Chinese goods were increased from 10% to 20%.

U.S. investors continued a sell-off that had started on Monday after Trump announced that there was "no room left" for negotiation with Mexico or Canada. The Dow fell 1.55%, or about 670 points on Tuesday after already falling nearly 1.5% on Monday.

Meanwhile, the S&P lost 1.2% while the Nasdaq lost 0.35%.

Canada, Mexico and China are the country's three largest trading partners. The escalating trade war is likely to result in consumers paying higher prices for a wide range of products, including fruits and vegetables, flat-screen TVs and auto parts.

Shares of major U.S. automakers Ford and GM also plunged on Tuesday. So did the shares of Best Buy and Target, as those large retailers warned that the new tariffs could increase the prices their customers pay.

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