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Unconditional Peace

As many of you reading this are aware of, a shift in consciousness is taking place on Planet Earth.

Unconditional Peace

More of us are awakening to what lies beyond the physical realm and can see through the ego-driven belief systems and structures controlling our world. As the winds of change sweep across our current reality, many individuals find themselves at a crossroad between the mind’s fears and the heart’s call. Challenging situations are arising, and a discomfort in our old routines is intensifying. Why is this happening? The purging of old energies within the Earth -that are gradually lifting the veil over governmental corruption -are being sensed in our personal lives as well, bringing forth old emotional baggage and uneasiness in our conventional lives. Such emotions will build up as we keep on missing the point of our soul’s call to let go of what keeps us from expanding towards the wholeness of our potential. As much as collective and personal challenges may feel like turmoil at first, it is merely a sign of old structures/comfort zones breaking down to make room for the new. “And we’re seeing a higher level of consciousness and many more opportunities for people to challenge their present ways of thinking and move into a grander and larger experience of who they really are.” – Neale Donald Walsch The Awakening The corruption of our world’s control mechanism has reached an extent where it restrains our soul’s expansion of consciousness. It does so by perpetuating the fear of stepping outside the box of survival, collective perceptions, adopted belief systems and limitative archaic concepts.

The very system we live in isn’t about human nature, but is instead about disconnecting us from all that IS natural -our hierarchical society itself is undoubtably ruled by greed-based interests rather than Love. As a result, we collectively adopted a mindset that perceives ourselves as separate from Nature. This disconnected level of consciousness isn’t in flow with the sustainability of the Earth’s eco-system. We act as if Nature is our possession and can be treated poorly for the sake of protecting the “vibrancy of the economy”, yet we have forgotten that the planet we live on isn’t a separate entity, but is in fact a part of who we are. What about Mother Earth’s vibrancy? It is time to become aware of the fact that the damage we inflict on Mother Earth is the damage we inflict on ourselves as well, for she is our Home. When we consciously choose to expand our awareness and look further than what our system stands for, we realize that all of these ego-driven structures are doing nothing but molding Humanity into “sheeple” with a herd mentality suited to maintain the functionality of this highly corrupted monetary system. It is simply erroneous to presume that our system endorses a forever-sustainable way of living that is harmonious and respectful of Nature, as well as of Human lives. (The power structure) “Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money.” – Cree Indian Proverb The agenda behind this is inherently an attempt at keeping Humanity dumbed-down, fearful and forgetful of our interconnectedness with all life forms.

Therefore keeping us oblivious to the essence of who we really are: Spiritual beings of unlimited potential on a Human journey, all connected through the universal Source of Unconditional Love. This conspiracy is essentially aimed at enforcing an illusionary sense of separateness towards everything, which makes a population rather unconscious and susceptible to accepting tyrannical dictatorship and occurrences such as War profiteering. Our hierarchical control mechanism grants all Power to the few and enslaves the many.

The belief that life has to remain this way is a myth. “When the power of Love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” – Jimi Hendrix Information about hidden truths and deceit within the political, religious and educational structures of our world are now being shared more than ever before, and more of us are waking up. This major “renewal” of consciousness is much anticipated at the soul level, hence why all the dirt is resurfacing on both a collective and personal level. It is unfolding at a rate and intensity that depends on how many are letting go of old mindsets that no longer serve our expansion of consciousness. Why shouldn’t we fight for the peaceful reality we wish to create when faced with insanity and corruption all around? “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein Just as quantum physics are demonstrating, when we shift our awareness towards the fundamental construct of reality, we understand that everything we can possibly feel and think of is essentially a form and rate of vibration. Everything on Earth vibrates at certain frequencies, including our thoughts, beliefs and emotions, which are molding our experienced reality via the power of our personal and collective perceptions. As Einstein said, we cannot solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it. This shift in consciousness is but a leap beyond the old dualistic consciousness we chose to experience as souls, towards the consciousness of Oneness, which is of a higher vibrational frequency -one of Unconditional Love and understanding of who we really are beyond this physical realm.

The angry, judgmental and reactive “truthers” actually attract and emanate through them the same lower frequencies that keep humanity boxed in this low vibrational “matrix” of control. TO LIVE FROM THE HEART IS TO LIVE INTELLIGENTLY. The truth becomes simple when you truly awaken to what lies beyond the surface of the material world. This global duality is, in essence, nothing but a war of vibrations.

Therefore, it is not foolish to presume that we can become what we fight.

The controlling elite of our world know of this, and will keep on controlling us through fear and hatred for this very reason: because their low-vibrational frequencies allow them to remain in control. Let’s not use the very “weapon” they feed themselves with. Our natural state of Unconditional Peace emanates a frequency that is not only way more powerful than any form of negative energies, but is actually eternal, for it is the source of all that exists. To create in a state of inner-peace, is to create peace. “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Gandhi From Duality to Oneness Whether through personal mystical experiences or openness towards spirituality, many of us are becoming aware of the fact that we are all divine creators, interconnected through the same universal Source of Consciousness. We Are All One. This Source that some of us call “God” is not a separate, superior and judgmental entity as our society’s endorsed religious institutions want us to believe, but is in fact the core essence of Who We Are, which is an all-knowing consciousness that is of Unconditional Love. We, and even darker entities, are but fragments of this loving Source that has divided itself into beautiful souls to undergo their unique and multifaceted journey towards enlightenment. This wonderful dance of souls is allowing Source to become experientially rich and therefore forever expansive. Because of a past collective soul agreement, we initially incarnated on earth into what is called the “experiential realm”.

The purpose was of evolving as souls, lifetime after lifetime, while having no direct guidance and remembrance of our essence of Oneness/Source. All while being overruled by a thicker sense of individual identity, mind and ego, which altogether created a beautifully rich and highly polarized sensorial experience. We then agreed at the soul level to have our “game” altered with an additional challenge, which was to experience the intensity of a blinding control mechanism ruled by separation and egoistical purposes. Although it has been a highly rich and serving challenge, we now have become experientially rich enough through this fear-based illusion and are choosing to move on.

The new collective shift in consciousness stems from the fact that we have all agreed at the soul level to “shut down” the experiential realm and move beyond this collective “amnesia” to create a new, more conscious, expansive and harmonious experience, fully in touch with our natural state of Peace. All that is presently holding our unconscious and archaic ways of living is actually our minds holding on to old limitative beliefs of a lower vibrational frequency, whether adopted from our personal experiences or collective mindsets.

The path towards a world encompassing total harmony and wholeness, as much as it may seem like a lunacy-based fairy tail to the mind, begins simply with the shedding of our own layers of beliefs and emotions that keep us in judgment of our experience, and therefore not perceiving the wholeness, perfection and Love within ourselves and of all that is. It is time to step free of fears and belief patterns that keep us boxed in our limitative perceptions and that mould our experienced reality. It is time to let go of any emotion or thought that keeps us from being authentic to the magnificence of who we truly are. As we set aside engrained beliefs we have picked up from external influences, we begin to uncover our limitless potential as spiritual beings on a human journey. Since we are all interconnected beings that are fragments of One Consciousness, we uplift the whole by healing ourselves within. “It’s just a ride and we can change it any time we want. It’s only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings and money, a choice, right now, between fear and love.

The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door, buy guns, close yourself off.

The eyes of love instead see all of us as one.” – Bill Hicks To Be Change begins with Healing Ourselves Unconditional Love and Peace is our natural state. It is who we truly are beyond all layers within the mind. We have now chosen as souls to create and therefore experience, in this human physicality, a new world that is in sync with this very frequency of Oneness. Because of this shift in consciousness, we are now in “purging time”. This means that all old densities we carry are being pulled to the surface. It is all of the patterns of our “lower ego” that is keeping us trapped in a low frequency band, which perpetuates personal and collective disharmony. If inner-peace is only conditional when the mind is holding on to limitative belief patterns of the lower ego, then what are these patterns? And how can we move beyond them? First off, when we hear the word “ego”, most will relate it exclusively to the definition of selfishness or pride, but the human ego is actually the impressive “software” that is our Mind. It is the tool that our soul has chosen to incarnate and evolve with. By “lower ego”, I am speaking of the layers that often cover a great deal of ground in the human psyche.

The ones that encompass our cultural mentality, acquired beliefs, judgmental thought processes and therefore emotional responses. It is these very belief patterns and our narrowed perception of “what should and shouldn’t be” that stem from the conditioning of the mind through external influences.

They are the ones that are taking control over our experience and are slowing our expansion of consciousness. Does letting go of these patterns means letting go of our personality? Absolutely not.

The human ego is a magnificent gift that is allowing our souls to experience life on earth with unique personalities and talents.

Therefore, it would be irrelevant for our soul to desire its total suppression. This shift in consciousness is not about dissolving the multi-facets of our world, human passions, unique flavors and blissful impulses of our Heart.

These do not stem from the lower ego, but of our utmost natural and creative potential as spiritual beings having a human experience. It is about dissolving all the illusionary beliefs and man-made concepts that compromise their Freedom. What the lower ego does, whether in a very subtle or forward manner, is bring fear, shame, judgment, rationalization and therefore control over these very things that uplift our Soul and make our Heart sing. In these unique times of healing transformation, our souls are choosing to move beyond all “mind stories”, in order to reclaim our limitless creative potential.

The lower ego’s patterns encompass all thoughts that stem from a belief of not being whole, and therefore creating illusionary needs and conditions in order to feel “good”. Patterns of the Lower Ego: “I lack, therefore I need.” “To truly be Free, is to be whole. To truly be whole, is to remember that we already are.” True inner-peace starts with recognizing the Love and wholeness within all individuals, including ourselves. And therefore dissolving, as our journey unfolds, all mind “stories” that stem from a belief of lack and neediness. It is to let go of our sense of victimhood, for in truth, we are the creator of our experience, bringing forth or perpetuating situations that shed light on unresolved turmoil andemotional baggage. “Every Soul incarnates on the Earth plane wanting to achieve a specific series of goals.

The Soul incarnates with a purposes – that of expanding in consciousness- and before incarnating it will set up the perfect circumstances and tasks through which such expansion is most likely to occur.

These tasks are recorded at the soul level as “Soul Contracts”.

They are called contracts since these are goals that the Soul chose to do in a binding manner i.e. the Soul is very committed to getting these tasks done and has set up many opportunities during the lifetime to allow for their unfolding on the Earth plane.” Excerpt from Katie Gallanti’s article Certain emotional baggage we push aside could even present themselves as a forms of illnesses, which are but energetic densities that are often times manifestations of unresolved issues we still carry. When we do not feel at peace with an aspect of our life, this very aspect consequently becomes our focal point and will intensify as we continue to ignore or judge it. We all have the free choice to either stay caught up in duality, or to allow ourselves to heal and embody the pure Love and Freedom that we are.

The more we unleash our Heart’s consciousness, the very frequency we emanate will have a ripple effect on our surroundings, creating openings towards freedom for all souls around. If we would perceive all challenges, whether personally or collectively experienced, as wakeup calls to heal what has been ignored, how beneficial would that be to facilitate the change we wish to see in the world. It would only require 1/3 of humanity to live from the Heart, in order to shift the whole collective consciousness and therefore create a new reality. It is time to let go of all forms of judgment, for even if we have been led to believe we have no control over our experienced reality, this claim has never been farther from Truth. Our own consciousness affects everything around us -it literally mirrors our reality.

The realization of this is what reclaiming our true Creator essence means, and it is only achieved through inner-peace, through truly understanding the perfection and unconditionally loving consciousness behind all enfoldments, despite how the ego may perceive things to be. “To follow our heart’s calling, to be the pure reflection of that which we truly are without any strings attached, without any expectations and need of approval, is really all that is required of us. It is how we raise our own vibrational frequency towards the one of pure Love. No spiritual dogma, religious doctrine, warrior mentality or fixed step-by-step procedure needed. It is this simple Truth that will change the face of our vibrational reality as more awaken to their higher purpose, which is to be anchors of light, of who they really are.“ Letting of all that keeps us from emanating the Love that we are is the path towards Freedom, yet we should remember that the path of the Heart is never set in stone, it is a natural flow.

The moment we try to control outcomes and make it a rule, the rule obstructs the flow.

Therefore, I feel it is important to mention that the purpose of identifying our own limitative fears and beliefs is not to judge and resist them.

There is no mistake and nothing to be shameful of, for all is but an experience. Transcending duality cannot be achieved with the mind fighting against itself to reach the Heart consciousness, just as peace cannot be created with war. Smiling at our ego, understanding the perfection in ourselves at all moment and embracing the human experience -all while trusting our higher awareness -is what consciously evolving means. “We must let ourselves feel in order to heal.” No more beating ourselves up. It is time to allow our fearless intuition to guide us, and to trust the flow. Let’s have integrity and compassion towards ourselves and others, for it matters not how long we have struggled and worn masks of fear, but how much expansion will occur as we let them fall off. It matters not how it may stun at first, for the healing process is what our souls have chosen to undergo, in order to become the change that is needed to shift our world. “All along this ride, we have fought against and avoided a mirror. What looked like our opponent was but a reflexion of our own mask, and the moment we drop our own mask, the “foe” will drop it’s own. What we will see, is the reflexion of ourselves.” WE ARE ALL ONE Be Love .

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