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What Happens When You Confront A Rothschild Banker

What Happens When You Confront A Rothschild Banker

We all like to talk about how the elite of this world are greedy psychopathic individuals who don’t see the harm in destroying the planet and impoverishing fellow human beings for the sake of accumulating wealth and power for themselves. Most of us have probably thought about what we would say if we came face to face with one of them. Well, that’s what Luke Rudkowski, founder of We Are Change and Change Media University, has done countless times ever since he chose to become an independent journalist. [Click HERE to learn how YOU can too] This confrontation with Lord Jacob Rothschild, british investment banker and a member of the prominent Rothschild banking family, is only one of many. It may be short, but the silence and perplexed look on the banker’s face is quite telling. In my opinion, the most important statement that was made in this confrontation is that we, as a people, are waking up and their plan to expand control over the human race is becoming irrelevant. Below are two more must-see confrontation videos that I personally found more revealing. In the first video, General Wesley Clark is asked about a speech he made where he revealed pentagon plans for War with seven countries in five years. His reaction speaks volumes! The second video is particularly satisfying since Newt Gingrich is confronted a second time after he denied his attendance at the Bohemian Grove, but this time, Luke asks him to sign a picture of Newt himself at the Bohemian Grove! Time and time again the mainstream media continues to ignore the real issues, reinforce the status quo and propagate fear, powerlessness and division amongst us. What if more of us decided to take the matter into our own hands and report on what is really going on while being a source of inspiration driving others to be the change they wish to see in the world? This is what Luke Rudkowski and his team desire to help accomplish with their new online journalism school Change Media University. “Knowledge is power.

The mainstream media holds it, they control it and they only use it to serve the purpose of their rulers, of the corporations, of the governments, of the people who pay them, of the people who are in charge and in control. What if we decentralize that, take that power away from them, shame them and make them obsolete by doing their job better? What if we become the mainstream media and empower individuals in every city, in every state, in every country around the world? If we are able to empower ourselves, be the voice of the voiceless, show things that no one else is talking about, highlight injustices and stand up for each other together together as a community, imagine the difference and the change we can actually make.” – Luke Rudkowski I personally have assisted Change Media University’s online courses and worked with Luke himself and see tremendous potential in building an army of reporters willing to expose not only what is truly going on behind the political scene, but bring awareness to projects, ideas, solutions that have the power to change the world. If you feel drawn to this path, here is how CMU can help you: Check out CMU’s new satire video on “How to Be a Real Journalist” which will give you a taste of the amazing and fulfilling work you could be doing if you decided to become an independent journalist without putting yourself through the burden of debt or outdated ideas and curricul.

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