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Why Does The Rejuvenation of Sleep Come From Being Unconscious?

Why Does The Rejuvenation of Sleep Come From Being Unconscious?

Sleep, more like the Sister to death Why does the rejuvenation of sleep, come from being unconscious? Have you ever wondered, “Why do we as humans sleep?” If we humans were the machine-like creatures of classical Newtonian physics we would not need “sleep”, only simply a steady source of fuel, until the internal parts are corrupted beyond repair, and can no longer function properly as a unit. But humans can’t really continue without sleep, using fuel as our only source of energy, can we? We are born sleepers; a newborn sleeps approximately 20-22 hours a day for its first weeks upon arrival of this dense planet. No matter how much you try to arouse their attention to the world of matter, they remain non-physically focused within their physical bodies. Short, emergent burst into to their waking world, for fuel and data, then back to dreamland for a newly arrived humans. This sort of behavior continues for the first three months of life, while the sleep begins to taper off as they become more accustomed to the 3D environment. So why is sleep so important? Why does one need the tool of removing ones attention from the world that is perceived through our 5 senses? If you are to take an objective look at sleep and its components, what happens during sleep to the human body and what are the repercussions of not sleeping? It begins to become easy to hypothesize that wherever we “go” when we lay down our physical bodies and withdraws our consciousness from the world perceived with our senses, is the place that we prefer on some level. First lets tackle the question, why is sleep so important? While researching information for this essay, I interviewed several people and it was a general consensus that we all need sleep to “rest” or for “rejuvenation”. I asked one college student and his reply was “because I need the energy...” what a paradox, to gain energy for the waking world, one must lose consciousness, this remains a paradox because even though it seems as if your body is in a state of restfulness, the inner workings of your body have not ceased at all. During sleep the human body and brain goes into action, every night your brain performs a tune-up, Brain cells that were active all day shut down for repair. Chemicals clean up from brain cells activity and in some places new brain cells grow, during REM sleep your brain gets so busy that the blood flow is nearly doubled, which means there’s still active communication between your mind and heart, arteries, organs cells, bones, limps all never stop doing what they do during sleep, really ..

The only part that shuts down is our thought center, the frontal lobe located within your brain. The frontal lobes are considered our emotional control center and home to our personality. This part of our brain is the only part that is no longer active, which lends to the question, why does the personality part of our body remove its focus upon the body? And why does this process of allowing our conscious mind remove itself from the unity of human bodily function, seem to replenish our energy?? If our conscious mind is replenishing itself from some other source then it must be a postulate that is not yet being considered. What is this source of energy? Have we begun to consider the magnitude of its power? If you understand the amount of time you sleep, usually between 6-10 hours for the average human, which is around 18-20% of each day spent in an unconscious state. And this state by all accounts is what we need to receive energy, by this clear statement it seems easy for this writer to see how somehow the source of human energy is non-physical and our immortality lies in knowledge that we humans need sleep to survive the waking world of matter. Which leads to the idea that maybe we are not as much “human” as we think, but more this non-physical energy that sustains our human body, Humans need non-physical retreat from waking consciousness to continue to use the extremely limited however fine-tuned 5 senses to perceive the world of matter, if this is true, and it is, then we can easily consider that one’s permanent withdrawal of consciousness from the 3D world of matter, the idea that we call “death” can be no more than the full focus upon this non-physical source on which we have drawn upon, by way of sleep, during the entire human lifespan. Sleep must not only be a cousin to death, but more closely related as in a sister.

These are two ideas, born from the same notion. In a sense we each “die” every night, each night removing your consciousness from your world, your world that you see, smell and taste and touch, to replenish ourselves but really when you think of it, what part of our bodies are really being replenished? Our human form lives on food, gets its energy from carbohydrates, proteins, sugars, but somehow without the releasing of our consciousness from this world once every 24hr orbit of the Earth, we cannot even focus our minds on this waking world. Our human bodies are clearly mechanisms of wonder and delight, however cannot be the dwelling place that is commonly perceived, sleep is the clear indicator of this perception. Moreover, if our human bodies purpose serves to function more like vehicles, using sleep or the removal of consciousness for fuel, then it’s possible that death is the removal of that vehicle, not the driver.


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