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Why I’m Not ‘Vegan’

Eating a vegetarian/vegan diet over the past 5 years has been one of the most rewarding, informative, joyful and spiritual lifestyle shifts I have ever made..

Why I’m Not ‘Vegan’
As a life long student of quantum physics, global consciousness and the unifying forces that connect us all, I try to make decisions that are in line with my values and the way that I want to be perceived in the world. Wanting to live a life filled with intention, abundance, love for myself and others, I discovered that labelling myself as “vegan” was not conducive to that. Though I have always embraced living a purple-cow-kind-of-life in a sea of white wool, I am not going to pretend that I am not affected by the perceptions of others. Many people automatically (and sometimes unintentionally) view veganism as an exclusive club, full of restraints, “can’t haves,” restrictions and deficiencies. Though I understand that these views are out of my control and are often misconceptions, I cannot get over the fact that many people are superimposing their beliefs onto my field of energy. No one is to blame as the curious nature of being involved with any “ism” often comes with some sort of mysterious “rule book.” I often get questions usually framed as, “so you can’t have this...or you CAN’T have that?” These questions always make me feel uncomfortable because yes, I CAN have anything... but I CHOOSE not to. I know I am being particular, but why wouldn’t I be? I believe that the words we use all carry a vibration that manifests within us and our surrounding world.

The word “can’t” is not in my vocabulary. It is my understanding that veganism is an umbrella term which celebrates the daily practice of compassion, sustainability, health, and global/personal examination. It is a reference point for living a life that closely parallels these values. It is never about perfection or particulars, but incremental and exponential ripples of personal change for humanity.

The rewards of living consciously and collectively are not exclusive to any particular person and their dietary lifestyle. We all play an integral role in creating positive shifts on this planet, and all have different pieces of the pie where our gifts and strengths lie. If we were to break down all the boxes and labelling and look at the intention behind our actions... we would be left with love.

The world doesn’t need any more division... and labels are for cereal boxes. As I continue to live an open life, heart and mind, I will continue to evolve and update the language that reflects that. Rather than having to sometimes answer loaded questions or sarcastic remarks at some dinner party, I would rather focus my intention on human connection, inclusion, the abundance of the plant world and what is exciting at the given moment. We are not defined by our status, dietary choices, gender or which club we are part of – we are defined by our actions and the love in our hearts. Stay connected with me! Follow me on Youtube and check out my original music, recipes and more at I would like to thank Collective Evolution for reaching out and sharing this article of mine – I am absolutely touched! Updating my “vegan status” feels like a huge weight off of my shoulders. I hope that this message serves to help others identify with themselves and others in a more authentic way. From now on you can call me your “plant-based pal”... just don’t call me late for dinner. Your friend, – Jill Stella Due to the pressure of mass censorship, we now have our own censorship-free, and ad-free on demand streaming network! It is the world's first and only conscious media network streaming mind-expanding interviews, news broadcasts, and conscious shows. Click here to start a FREE 7-Day Trial and watch 100's of hours of conscious media videos, that you won't see anyw.

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