Why Snowden and Assange missed Israel Spionage and the Political Infiltration of the West
No leaker who has access to a mother lode of dirty intel laundry on numerous selected countries and never releases anything on Israel is for real, they are an operator.

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Snowden like Assange, despite the huge amount of classified material with all the embarrassing secrets that involve so many countries, neither of them seem to know anything about the massive Israel spionage that has been carried all over the world.
No leaker who has access to a mother lode of dirty intel laundry on numerous selected countries and never releases anything on Israel is for real, they are an operator.
On one side we have a loyal faction of modern intel professionals trying to monitor and block Israeli penetrations, and then, there is the rogue bunch, assisting the bad guys for all their efforts, not so much by the Isralies themselves, but by their substantial political helpers. The battle has been going on for a long time.
How many Israeli intelligence networks have the Western countries broken up since 9/11? The answer is zero.
The Zionists have compromised these western nations in a variety of ways with the primary tool being political spionage as that is the pathway to use in order to get your people deeply embedded in all the important parts.
It is the spionage scandal of our time, and this phony leakers have contributed nothing.
It would be impossible for every connected leaker not to know about it.
The following documentary by Brendon O'Connell lays out the scenario and provides extend explanation to the current political infiltration in U.S.
According to the following exposé on Assange from 2017, it his highlighted that Assange had a distorted childhood he probably spent within a Cult known as The Family, and the secrecy involving substantial parts of his life.
It is a four video series, following videos are here part 2, part 3 and part 4.
It is noticeable how the media, so eager and effective to supress some kind of information, actually promotes and praises these individuals. Recently they have appeared statues of Assange and Snowden as free speech heroes in Berlin, Germany.

Over the weekend, a group of activists, artists and members of Germany's Green Party erected three statues of headline-making whistleblowers—Edward Snowden, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and former U.S. soldier Chelsea Manning—in Berlin's Alexanderplatz Square
More than suspicious, another operation run by intel to misdirect action and distort reallity which has already no real effect on most of the population who were targeted by it.