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Wikileaks Document Reveals a “Secret US Base on the Moon”

A document published by Wikileaks clearly implies that the United States had a "secret" base on the Moon that was destroyed by Russia.

Wikileaks Document Reveals a “Secret US Base on the Moon”

It's one of many interesting documents that suggest strange things are and have been happening on the Moon. Is our world really as it's been presented? There are millions of pages of documents that are classified by multiple countries every single year, how is it possible to really determine what's going on behind the scenes? Why does secrecy rule? A US government document that was released by WikiLeaks reveals the US had a base on the moon that the Soviets allegedly destroyed.

All documents and evidence of what we spoke about are linked in this detailed article for those who enjoy reading and want to access the documents that we reference in the video below. To see the specific Wikileaks document, see the link under references section.

The idea that something strange may be happening on the Moon is not far fetched at all. In fact, given all of the information that’s now available within the public domain on the subject, it’s hard to see how it’s not a fact. Again, we go into a lot of that information in the episode below.

The episode goes into detail and looks at multiple documents found within the CIA’s electronic reading room about bases on the moon as well, plans for building bases on the moon, and studies also showing there are existing structures on the dark side of the moon that may have been built by ‘someone else.’

Read the full article at the original website


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