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Wilcock Insider: “Coming change defies all imagination. We are living through history.”

David Wilcock's latest update provides more stunning evidence that there might be a major action to take down the Deep State coming soon.

Wilcock Insider: “Coming change defies all imagination. We are living through history.”

Does the evidence David provides in his update give you reason to think that while a takedown of the Deep State has been predicted before, we have every reason to believe that this action truly is imminent? Is our consciousness ready now? David Wilcock’s latest update, published on his Divine Cosmos website Sept. 8th, is entitled ‘Stunning New Briefings: Spy Satellites Down, Deep State Arrests Finally Imminent?‘ For my money, the lengthy and comprehensive update delivers fully on its title’s promise. While some people may complain that too often, events David has called ‘imminent’ do not end up happening, a more accurate assessment would be that the insiders David gets his information from have often spoken with near-certainty that a major event–often involving the takedown/arrests of the Deep State/Illuminati/Cabal–was about to happen.

The fact is, firstly, that no one can truly predict the future. People may have compelling reasons to believe something will certainly happen based on all they know, only to come to realize that unseen forces continue to have an impact on imminent events. In this update, David takes us through some of those earlier projections, and constructs a through-line in which we can understand why so many ‘false starts’ to this major event have occurred, and why there is reason to believe that this time, and event of unparalleled historic proportions is about to occur. One testimony that was getting many people excited was from ‘Mega Anon,’ known as an anonymous Trump administration insider of the forum 4chan just before Q-Anon arrived there. This testimony includes a quote from October 6th, 2017 , which David feels gives an interesting characterization of what the impact of a major ‘event’ fronted by Trump could be: The goal is that when it’s all said and done, there will be no room for question, when it comes to the people. He won’t have to disclose s#!t like 9/11, OKC, Vegas, Voter Fraud, Russia hacks or collusion, elections rigging, etc. specifically. When he’s done, it will be a literal “mic drop” on the world’s stage. No one ever again will have the ability to question who’s responsible for, involved in coordinating, etc. ANYTHING that has ever happened and been considered a “conspiracy theory”, ever again. When he’s done, the entire world will just KNOW IT ALL. It really is THAT all-encompassing. Like Trump says, “you’ll see”. It just has to happen. We cannot be derailed. Ever again. Almost a year later, we have not had a “mic drop” event. But there has been no lack of interesting things that have happened between now and then.

There are indications that the revealing of sensitive information to the public has been slow and piecemeal for a reason. It is believed that releases from Wikileaks (Assange), Snowden and others are done in such a way as to allow people to awaken to the truth without creating a planet-wide trauma or panic. While there may be many in the awakening community that could handle virtually anything, we still have to account for the reaction on the part of the unawakened people in the world to the release of incontestable graphic evidence of the most heinous crimes imaginable occurring on our planet. Our intel is also saying that new data dumps are very imminent that could be far worse than anything we have seen already, including the so-called Pizzagate documents.

The Pizzagate documents were revealing, but because much of the wording and conversations were coded, people still had plausible deniability if they weren’t ready to accept the reality behind those documents. However, as David hints, we are moving forward. Perhaps the biggest news to come out recently is that several satellites have been disabled. Here’s what David said about this: The code names of the now-disabled satellites are Snow White, Corona and Big Bird, followed by a one or two-digit number.

These covert satellites were apparently the communications backbone of the Cabal / New World Order / Illuminati / Deep State. Drops by Q-Anon included by David in his update indicate that we have good reason to believe that disabling these satellites has literally left the Deep State unable to coordinate actions or defend itself now. Here is one of the notifications from Q about a particular satellite being disabled followed by his usual cryptic statements about the implications: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bd6786 No.2805326 If in fact this is true, we have all the more reason to believe a long-forecast action on the part of the Alliance to bring down the Deep State is imminent. What action? Mass arrests. As many who have been following Q-Anon are aware, a growing number of sealed indictments have been appearing on, an official government web site, as of last month’s end totaling over 51,000. Since in the past the average number of sealed indictments for one year is just over 1,000, this is probably the best piece of hard evidence that there certainly is a plan on the part of government forces to launch mass arrests in the near future. David explains how involved the process of getting a single sealed indictment is: In order to grasp how significant it is to have fifty-one thousand sealed indictments on the books, some additional explanation is necessary. Each sealed indictment must be produced by a secret grand jury, convened for the occasion. This is no minor accomplishment, as we will see. A secret grand jury is composed of twelve to twenty-three civilian jurors, who are sworn to absolute secrecy.

The grand jury hears from a prosecutor who must either be a county district attorney (DA), a state attorney general (AG) or a federal US attorney. Sealed indictments can thus be generated from the county, state or federal level.

The secret grand jury hears evidence and, if convinced by the information, it files a sealed order for the pending arrest of the accused. No one can see who is named in the order until it becomes unsealed. This work can all be done on paper, so electronic surveillance won’t work either. For this same reason, I imagine these secret grand juries are being held in SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) rooms.

These rooms are completely impenetrable to any type of surveillance, satellite-based, electronic or otherwise. If there wasn’t enough reason to believe imminent action is planned, David notes Q’s revelation of an Executive Order by Donald Trump on September 1st declaring September ‘National Preparedness Month,’ which calls on all Americans to prepare for potential disasters: National Preparedness Month is a time to focus our attention on the importance of preparing our families, homes, businesses, and communities for disasters that threaten our lives, property, and homeland. During this time, we also honor the brave men and women who selflessly respond to crises and disasters, rendering aid to those in need.

These first responders, who work tirelessly to safeguard our Nation and protect our citizens, deserve our utmost gratitude and appreciation.... Tragedies are somber reminders that preparedness is a shared responsibility and that it is critical to maintain readiness. All Americans can prepare for potential disasters by developing and practicing a family emergency response plan, assembling a disaster supply kit, signing up for alerts on mobile devices, setting aside emergency savings, and maintaining adequate insurance policies for their homes and businesses.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Ready Campaign outlines other important steps to best prepare for a major disaster. This month, I encourage all Americans to take the opportunity to ensure they have an emergency response plan in place and ready to be properly executed. Emergencies and disasters test the resilience and strength of families, communities, and our Nation. It is impossible to avoid every challenge and threat, but we can and must prepare for them. By doing so, we can help protect our communities and save lives. NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 2018 as National Preparedness Month. I encourage all Americans, including Federal, State, and local officials, to take action to be prepared for disaster or emergency by making and practicing their emergency response plans. Each step we take to become better prepared makes a real difference in how our families and communities will respond and persevere when faced with the unexpected.... If indeed, there is an Alliance prepared to take down the Deep State, and by extension, the global elite or Cabal that has been running this planet through generational bloodline families since Antiquity, (as detailed in my Lucifer series), then one can understand that they would want to alert people to be ready for anything.

They are well aware that the Deep State still has the power to try to wreak tremendous destruction (as David alludes to in an update at the end of his article) and consequently don’t have a clear idea of what their reaction will be to this mass arrest scenario.

There is reason to believe that some form of these mass arrests have been planned at one time or another since and even perhaps before 9/11, and have been thwarted by unseen powers of the Deep State or because of prudence based on new information coming in. You can judge for yourself whether this massive and historic action is imminent, but the best way to do this is read David’s epic update, and see how he ties everything together in his inimitable way.


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