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200 German doctors who issued face mask exemptions were put on a state blacklist with shocking consequences

200 German doctors who issued face mask exemptions were put on a state blacklist with shocking consequences

A “blacklist” of around 200 German doctors who issued mask exemptions was compiled by authorities, leading to house searches and monitoring by state security of those on the blacklist.

Many doctors have reported unannounced house searches, physical violence and psychological consequences, including imprisonment and death.  Financial implications include hefty fines and legal costs for doctors.

Doctors have faced defamation and slander in the local press, leading to bullying of their families, including children.

The situation has silenced and isolated the medical profession, deterring doctors from helping patients due to fear of consequences.

The World Council for Health supports these doctors, calling for charges to be dropped, compensation for crimes committed by the government and honouring their integrity.

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Dawn Raids, Assaults, Imprisonment: How Germany’s Government Treats Good Doctors

By World Council for Health, 2 October 2024

On 8 June 2024, a call regarding ‘Mask Exemption Certificates and House Searches’ was initiated by Dr Walter Weber, head of the doctors’ association Ärzte für Aufklärung. On this call, we received some shocking information: in Germany, there is a “blacklist” of about 200 doctors who issued mask exemptions and as a result are apparently monitored by state security. Around 100 doctors who had issued similar certificates then came forward. Approximately 95% of these doctors experienced unannounced house searches, with one doctor being searched eight times.

These house searches typically took place from 6 am and often lasted during office hours for 1 to 3 hours. In many cases, doors were broken down, and there were reports of inappropriate treatment of those affected. One example is Rolf Kron, who had to endure sitting in his nightgown with an open door for hours in the winter. Physical violence was also a concerning issue: Dr. Woitzel had to undergo a leg amputation due to police violence.

Psychological and Physical Consequences

These reports of physical assaults are alarming. An eye doctor from Münster suffered hearing loss after a violent incident. Moreover, several female colleagues became seriously ill, and one doctor, Dr. Ströer, was sentenced to two years in prison without parole and died six months later “for no reason.” Dr. Bianca Witzschel has been in pre-trial detention for 1.5 years due to a negative expert report, while a counter-report was rejected by the judge.

The Financial Implications Are Also Severe

Many doctors had to “buy their freedom,” paying sums of up to 6,000 euros. One colleague reported costs of around 30,000 euros because the waiting room chairs did not meet the required distance. Most doctors affected agree to the anonymised publication of their experiences, underscoring the gravity of the situation.

Smeared, Ostracised and Silenced

The local press often reported on these doctors, leading to defamation and slander. Families were bullied, including children. The medical profession in Germany, consisting of about 150,000 practising doctors, has been silenced by this systematic persecution. The 200 or so doctors willing to issue mask exemptions constitute less than 0.00013% of the total number.

There is no justification for such treatment – but there is plenty of justification for these doctors having issued mask exemptions.

We recently reported on the leaked protocols from Germany’s Robert Koch Institute (“RKI”), which revealed the extent to which the German people were deceived by their own government during the so-called pandemic. One revelation was that the RKI – the equivalent of the US’ Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) – knew there was no evidence that masks stopped the spread of coronavirus. Those doctors who issued mask exemptions were both acting in their patients’ best interests andin line with the evidence, as acknowledged by the RKI. The problem is, they weren’t in line with their government and the consequences of this should shock the world.

This is What Totalitarian, Centralised Medicine Looks Like

The systematic persecution of doctors who issued mask exemptions highlights a concerning development in German society. The fear of house searches and the resulting consequences have deterred many doctors from helping patients in need. This not only silences the medical profession but also isolates them from society. It is time to question these practices and protect the rights of doctors as well as the needs of patients. Especially taking into account the actual science supporting their decision to be cautious about the inefficacy and even harm created by using masks as a mandatory tool for the management of covid 19 (Brownstone, 2024).

The World Council for Health (WCH”) is grateful for these 200 brave doctors and all those supporting informed consent and the Hippocratic oath primum non nocere, first do no harm. The WCH calls on the people of Germany to speak up for these doctors and demand that all charges against them be dropped, that they be compensated for the crimes their own government has committed against them, and that they are duly honoured for maintaining their moral and scientific integrity despite devastating consequences.


About the Author

The World Council for Health (“WCH”) is a grassroots, non-profit organisation that seeks to broaden public health knowledge through science and shared wisdom. It is based in Bath, United Kingdom, and operates as a global coalition comprising welfare organisations from around the globe, all of which share the same focus and principled ethics that encourage freedom from government and corporate influence. WCH has more than 200 Coalition Partners in over 50 countries and is currently in the process of decentralisation, having activated more than 25 WCH Country Councils.  You can follow WCH by visiting its website HERE or by subscribing to its Substack page HERE.

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