6 Things That Betray a False Victim Who Is Just an Abuser in Disguise As if life isn’t confusing enough, now we must differentiate a false victim from the actual target.
The Truth About Drinking Water Clean alkaline drinking water is something that the public has pretty much taken for granted for the past hundred years.
Water Contaminants Index Drinking water, including most bottled, reverse osmosis, and distilled water may reasonably be expected to contain some contaminants
“The Rise of the New Normal Reich” banned in Germany, Austria, and The Netherlands! So, the censorship of my latest book, The Rise of the New Normal Reich: Consent Factory Essays, Vol.
Boris Johnson to Beg UK to Keep Pushing Net Zero Despite Energy Crisis Boris Johnson is reportedly set to beg that the future leadership of Britain keep pushing his net zero green agenda, despite the fact that the country faces a crippling energy crisis.
The Utopia that Never Was About three years ago, before this Covid swill was poured down our throats, my wife pointed out an article in the Toronto Star about a proposal to have cars fitted with bumper cameras, or some other nonsense intended to cut down on illegal parking, hit and run offenses, and various
Rising Costs Wipe Out Benefit of 'Inflation Reduction' Act's $7,500 Electric Vehicle Credit Ahead of the passage of the $700 billion Inflation Reduction Act, Ford Motor Company and General Motors raised the prices of their electric vehicles, eliminating the potential benefit of the bill’s $7,500 electric vehicle tax credit. Ford announced last week it would raise the prices of most of
Bahrain: Free Ailing Academic (Beirut) – The Bahrain authorities should free Dr.Abduljalil al-Singace, an academic imprisoned since 2011, 15 organizations including Human Rights Watch said today in a letter to the king of Bahrain.
Joint Letter: Free Abduljalil al-Singace King of Bahrain, Shaikh Hamad bin 'Issa Al Khalifa Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Sheikh Salman bin Hamad Your Majesties, We, the undersigned, are writing to you concerning Dr.
Yet Another Victim of Indonesia’s Blasphemy Law Indonesia’s toxic blasphemy law has claimed another victim, this time a former government minister over a social media post deemed insulting to Buddhists.
MPs Grill Dutch Govt on EU Great Reset Agenda Forcing Farms to Close Elected representatives in the Netherlands have grilled the country’s government over exactly how many farms will be forced to close to satisfy the European Union’s Great Reset green agenda.
Saving Lives in Time of War The alternative to war constrained by the laws of armed conflict, or international humanitarian law, is what is known as total war—war fought without any effort to minimize harm to civilians; indeed, war fought to maximize civilian harm as a deliberate strategy. War is ugly, but total war is
10 Subtle Signs Your Mental Health Is Declining – Don’t Ignore Them! How do you know if your mental health is declining? While there may not be enormous signs, the little things can indicate a change.
Fact Check: White House Says Teenage Layabouts Drove the Labor Force Participation Rate Down Claim: The decline in the labor force participation rate fell in July because fewer teenagers were working.
Hickenlooper on Claims Inflation Reduction Act Is 'Reckless' Spending: Not Addressing Climate Is More Expensive On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Inside Politics,” Sen.John Hickenlooper (D-CO) responded to claims by Sen.