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BREAKING – NHS Doctor confirms young Children were Hospitalised after attempting Suicide due to Propaganda-Fueled COVID Fears & Lockdowns

BREAKING – NHS Doctor confirms young Children were Hospitalised after attempting Suicide due to Propaganda-Fueled COVID Fears & Lockdowns

An NHS doctor has revealed that he was seeing children as young as eight self-harming and attempting suicide amid what had become an unprecedented mental health crisis fuelled by the stress caused by months of fear propaganda pedalled by the Government and the mainstream media in relation to the alleged Covid-19 pandemic.

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Consultant Dave Greenhorn confirmed that back in March 2021, he and fellow NHS staff at Bradford Royal Infirmary were regularly seeing youngsters who had attempted suicide or taken overdoses due to the stress of being terrified of family members catching Covid-19.

Dr Greenhorn said that NHS staff had seen “all sorts of tragic things that we haven’t seen before”. Adding that although the majority of children coming through the doors were teenagers, they were now seeing children as young as eight-years-old.

The experienced doctor confirmed this was something that was “extremely unusual” prior to the introduction of dictatorial tyranny in the United Kingdom in response to the alleged Covid-19 pandemic.

Dr Greenhorn said, commenting on the increase in youngsters taking drugs and alcohol and trying to escape their homes by jumping out of windows –

“A year of lockdown is a massive amount of time when you’re so young and you can’t see your friends and combine that with other things such as parents on furlough, working from home or losing their jobs,”

“The children don’t have the emotive language to discuss why they feel the way they do, they just know that they feel awful.”

As well as the extreme end of mental health issues, Mr Greenhorn said a large proportion of children presented with “less dramatic symptoms” such as palpitations and headaches, which were symptoms of psychological stress.

The NSPCC’s Childline service reported a 16% rise in the number of children aged under 11 having counselling sessions for their mental health after the first national lockdown was introduced in the UK.

The charity said children had spoken about issues including loneliness, low mood, low self-esteem, depression and anxiety.

One 13-year-old girl told the helpline:

“I’ve found being inside for so long really difficult. I keep checking my phone and getting upset when nobody is talking to me.

Another teenager said:

“I can’t cope with this virus. I haven’t got it, but I’m terrified that my family is going to get it.

“I don’t care about me but I feel like I can’t breathe when I think about my family getting it.”

This is what your Government, urged by their Scientific advisors, did to the nation’s children with the help of the mainstream media by broadcasting 24/7 fear propaganda on every news channel, every radio station, every newspaper and in every advert break.

Do you still think it was all worth it?

If you do, then perhaps the devastating loss of life among children and young adults in the USA might change your mind.

According to official figures from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), nearly half a million children and young adults have lost their lives since the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted emergency use authorization for a COVID-19 vaccine.

This marks a devastating 118,000 excess deaths compared to the 2015-2019 average.

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