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Europe’s car industry is collapsing due to the European Union’s “green” agenda

Europe’s car industry is collapsing due to the European Union’s “green” agenda

Europe’s car industry is collapsing, primarily because of the European Commission’s “green” agenda and arrogance in failing to admit it is making a “mistake” going down this path.

As if she is some sort of saviour, Ursula von der Leyen launched a “Competitiveness Compass” and promised to trim down many of the Commission’s environmental, social and governance-inspired regulations However, it is merely more propaganda.

Regarding the net zero targets, “We stay the course. The goals are cast in stone,” von der Leyen said. “The goals stay, the objective stays, but we want to reach it better and faster. And for that, we have to reduce complexity.”

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On 23 January, Automotive Manufacturing Solutions (“AMS”) published an article highlighting that European automotive suppliers and producers are confronting an existential crisis.  “Mass layoffs and plummeting electric vehicle investments threaten European manufacturing,” AMS said.

In its article, AMS described the crisis that is unfolding.  European automotive suppliers, including Bosch and Continental, are slashing jobs due to challenges in the electric vehicle market, with 54,000 job cuts announced in 2024.  The industry is facing a “toxic mixture” of factors, including lower vehicle production, high energy and labour costs, and competition from cheaper Chinese electric vehicles (“EVs”).  65% of European automotive suppliers are struggling to maintain profit above the critical 5% investment threshold, complicating future technology investments and innovation strategies, such as smart factories.

Given mass layoffs and factory closures, some wonder if the automotive sector will survive the EU’s coming “energy transition” to alternative fuels. In the documentary below, Brussels Signal reporters talk to industry lobbyists, car salesmen, politicians and academics in an attempt to understand where the industry is going and whether the EU has made policy mistakes.

“Green” policies are wreaking havoc on the European car industry.  Beege Welborn explains more.

European Auto Manufacturing Confronting An ‘Existential’ Crisis

By Beege Welborn as published by Hot Air

The projections for a 2025 rebound in EV sales come on the heels of retooled models – smaller and cheaper – along with a big favourite of any industry dependent on government largesse: handouts. As much as they’d sworn not to subsidise further what they were forcing Europeans into against their will, the Brahmins of Brussels are going to have to fork over more cash.

This time, the competition from cheaper Chinese imports is the excuse for an industry that has consistently proven it cannot stand on its own feet by virtue of customer demand.  

At the same time that the EU is considering forking over cash because of the Chinese, manufacturers like Volkswagen are being forced to lease or sell their now excess auto plants to anyone who can pay for their upkeep – and the expensive union workers who come along with them – to try to keep the shrinking bottom line under control.

As if that weren’t enough, EU manufacturers, again like VW, are staring at massive fines coming down the pipe because they cannot meet the artificial sales goals set by those same bureaucrats in Brussels. 

This is a snek-meet-tail (snake-meet-tail) situation, if ever there was one. Nothing is driving this disaster but artificial goals set by authoritarian climate cultists with zero understanding of how the real world works. Until leadership experiences a radical shift in Brussels or individual governments in Europe itself can declare some sort of regulatory independence from crippling rules and sanctions, this is a doom loop.

The EU proved that with their newly announced “revised” plans to “revive” innovation and remove red tape. Everyone’s favourite Bond villainess was practically giddy telling the world, “See? We can be reasonable!”

This is great at a press conference but when you read into it, they haven’t changed a thing of substance and are relying on slogans to act as if everything’s copacetic now.

There is so much argle-bargle cheerleading in the “new and improved” version that sticks to what caused the problem initially as far as REAL manufacturing issues go, this can only be viewed as a propaganda piece.

The continent isn’t a one-off, either. I’ve covered the state of the British auto industry time and again, thanks to Green Dreams, and they’re sinking away.

With the precarious state of German manufacturing in general …

… paying fines repeatedly with numbers like these is potentially ruinous. 

They are also one more stake in the heart of Green Dreams in the country as the snap-elections draw ever closer. 

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