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How to Destroy Pfizer in Court

Many of the points Barnes’s highlights in his InfoWars interview regarding Pfizer’s violation of their Operation Warp Speed contract can be found in Karen Kingston's January 13, 2023 SubStack.

How to Destroy Pfizer in Court
Pfizer a company with an extensive criminal history, again, responsible of harming the health of millions of humans.

Brook Jackson’s attorney, Robert Barnes, had a strong day in court last week with the $3 trillion false claims lawsuit against Pfizer, by driving home that Pfizer was contracted to deliver a safe and effective vaccine to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection. He pointed out to the judge that the contract promises the delivery of a safe and effective vaccine under FDA laws more than a half-dozen times.

I spoke to Brook’s attorney Warner Mendenhall in July of 2022 who asked my opinion on Pfizer’s motion to dismiss. I stated that you can’t contract to commit a crime. Pfizer was contracted to deliver a safe and effective vaccine.

Since the summer of last year, I’ve stated that under the Operation Warp Speed (OWS) contract, the US military contracted with Pfizer to:

deliver a safe and effective vaccine capable of providing protection against SARS-CoV-2 and related coronaviruses (variants) subject to FDA technical, clinical and regulatory success (laws and guidance)” and in compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices.

Pfizer forfeited their Emergency Use Authorization immunity rights under their contract with the Department of Defense under the Trump administration.

Pfizer collaborated with the FDA to lie to the US military, the American people, and President Trump that their mRNA nano particle technologies were safe and effective vaccines. In fact, Pfizer knew their mRNA technology would only cause disease, disabilities and death and offer no immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Per the contract, Pfizer was also in charge of the data of submitted submitted to the Department of Defense, which they clearly falsified per Brook Jackson’s testimony.

Many of the points Barnes’s highlights in the (above) Infowars Interview regarding Pfizer’s violation of their Operation Warp Speed contract can be found in the following January 13, 2023 Substack.

Read the full article at the original website.


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