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Insight: Is China Still a Communist Country? With Carl Zha

Mike Robinson speaks to Carl Zha for more discussion of China.  Carl is a Caltech graduate and is host of the Silk and Steel Podcast focusing on everything China, history, culture and politics Carl was born in China at the end of the Cultur

Insight: Is China Still a Communist Country? With Carl Zha

Mike Robinson speaks to Carl Zha for more discussion of China. 

Carl is a Caltech graduate and is host of the Silk and Steel Podcast focusing on everything China, history, culture and politics

Carl was born in China at the end of the Cultural Revolution to parents and grandparents who lived through it. He moved to the United States in 1990, but regularly returns to visit family and friends.

They begin their discussion by considering whether or not China is still a communist country.

Read the full article at the original website


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