

A collection of 2309 articles

Behind Closed Doors: How Hancock’s Policies Turned Care Homes into Ground Zero with the Drug Midazolam used to Kill the Vulnerable with their Deaths labelled COVID-19

If the world was both fair and just then Matt Hancock, the former UK Health Secretary who oversaw the pandemic response, should be in prison. That’s because while you stayed at home to “protect the NHS, and (allegedly) save lives”, Matt Hancock orchestrated the mass murder of the elderly

Psychological perspectives on divine forgiveness: 3. Trait self-control is associated with well-being through seeking divine forgiveness

Introduction: Although a majority of the world’s population believes in a Higher Power and subscribes to a religion in which divine forgiveness is emphasized, little work has been done to understand individual differences associated with seeking divine forgiveness. Methods: Building on work that suggests trait self-control facilitates well-being, the

Professor gives Australian Senate Committee “powerful reasons” to establish royal commission into response to covid

On Thursday, Professor Ian Brighthope testified at the Australian Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee.  He gave “powerful reasons” why a royal commission should be established: why safe and effective treatments such as vitamin C, D, Zinc, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were not used to treat covid. Other powerful reasons

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