The Sense of Smell: An Entrance to Another “Reality” Imagine sitting on a flat, square cushion with your legs crossed in a historic Buddhist temple on a cold autumn day.
Unique Health Benefits of Vitamin E STORY AT-A-GLANCE Researchers have discovered that vitamin E comes in eight different forms but only one appears to meet human requirements, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Magnesium Benefits: Refresh and Replenish Somedays, it feels like a struggle just to get out of bed.You may be groggy or depressed; you may even find that your appetite and ability to focus have lowered to dismal levels.
B vitamins regulate the immune system and improve cardiovascular and neurological systems B vitamins are a group of eight micronutrients that are not related to each other and play a significant role in maintaining optimal health.
Biohackers with the help of Big Tech are conducting unregulated and risky gene therapy experiments Last year, biotech start-up Minicircle started recruiting participants for a clinical trial of gene therapy.
Vaginal Atrophy: Healing Dryness Functionally How come we don’t see any commercials regarding vaginal atrophy? Everybody knows about erectile dysfunction and the many ways and means that men can address their issues.
A Primer on Medical Gaslighting STORY AT-A-GLANCE One of the classic ways an abuser controls their prey is to manipulate the environment so that the abused individual begins doubting their own observations regardless of what is occurring in front of them. In the 1944 movie, Gaslight, this was accomplished by the villainous husband (played by
USA Today Smears Mercola Over Vitamin C and D Information STORY AT-A-GLANCE The fact that there is an information war going on is quite evident at this point.
New Laws Allow Pharma to Make All Decisions for Patients STORY AT-A-GLANCE In the U.S., 1 in 5 prescriptions is written for an off-label use.
The Censorship of Mercola — A Timeline STORY AT-A-GLANCE While the drug and chemical industries have attacked and tried to discredit me for years, blatant censorship didn't begin until 2020, after the outbreak of the COVID pandemic. For legal and historical purposes, I am sharing a timeline of events with you that document a chain of coordinated
The Most Important Topics of Our Time STORY AT-A-GLANCE Children's Health Defense (CHD) is one of my favorite resources to keep current on everything COVID.
7 Manipulative Phrases Most People Think Are Normal Did you know that manipulative phrases may seem normal to most people? It’s true.
Record High: Increasing Number of Americans Putting off Medical Care over Rising Costs An increasing number of Americans are putting off medical care over rising costs, a Gallup survey released this week found.