A Spiritual Perspective On Smoking Cannabis: An Important Viewpoint To Consider In the video below, Sadhguru shares his perspective on smoking marijuana and why it's not truly needed to achieve the feeling one may receive to do it.
Groundbreaking Documentary Showcases Solutions To Make The World Truly Thrive A new documentary from the creators of Thrive aims to showcase technological solutions to help our world thrive.
An Authentic Video of The “Flying Saucers” That Flew Over Washington In 1952 In July 1952, several UFOs were spotted flying near the White House.During that entire summer, reports of UFOs were quite high, and they caused quite a stir among Americans.
One of Jeffrey Epstein’s Victim’s Testimony Corroborates With Another Former Child Sex Slave We conducted an interview with former child sex slave, Anneke Lucas, and I found some similarities between what she has said and what one of Jeffrey Epstein's victim's, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, has said. How deep does this go? How many people are involved? Are we letting people who lack morality
Another CIA Document Shows US Army’s Interest in The “Holographic” Universe & Supernatural Abilities Joe, Ruby and I (from Collective Evolution) sat down and discussed an interesting CIA document we recently came across that shows a heavy Army interest in accessing information from non-material realms. How much has been discovered by the 'black budged' world that remains unknown within the mainstream? Why is this
Physicians For Informed Consent Say Infection Fatality Rate of COVID-19 Is 0.26 Percent The Physicians For Informed Consent (PIC) recently published a report titled "Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) Compares COVID-19 to Previous Seasonal and Pandemic Flu Periods." According to them, the infection/fatality rate of COVID-19 is 0.26%. Is the new coronavirus as dangerous as it's being made out to be,
Study: Governments Should Be Testing 5G & Proving It’s Safe Before Exposing Humanity To It A study published in 2019 is one of many to point out that appropriate safety testing is needed and should be required before 5G technology is rolled out.
COVID-19: “For People Younger Than 45, The Infection Fatality Rate is Almost 0%” – Stanford Professor John P.A.Ioannidis, a professor of medicine and epidemiology at Stanford University has said that the infection fatality rate is close to 0 percent for people under the age of 45 years old.
6 Conclusions Drawn From Thousands of Published Psychic Experiments Dean Radin PhD, is Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and Professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies has laid out six conclusions we can draw from all of the published research in parapsychology. How much have yet to discover about ourselves and who we truly are?
The Sacking of Gough Whitlam and the Royal Intention Behind the Five Eyes An important reckoning with a great historical injustice is underway in Australia which presents the world with a rare opportunity to look into the darker corners of the corridors of power too often ignored by even the most ardent truth seekers among us. This reckoning has taken the form of
Soft Drink Companies Caught Using Big Tobacco’s Playbook To Lure Young Children Documents obtained by researchers clearly outline the unethical and immoral actions Tobacco companies used to 'hook' kids onto sugary drinks.
The Secret To Feeling Loved In A Relationship The secret to feeling loved is to explore what is blocking the love you already hold within yourself.It's about getting to your authentic self and recognizing it.
12 Interesting Word Origins You Had No Idea about Our use of language makes us human.Yet, we pay little attention to where words come from.Well, here are 12 interesting word origins you may have had no idea about.
WHO Data Suggests It’s “Very Rare” For COVID-19 To Spread Through Asymptomatic People New statements from the World Health Organization admit what many censored scientists kept saying, that this virus does not spread as easily as was assumed.