‘I Hate My Life’: Why You Might Be Feeling This Way and What to Do Do you hate your life? Well, to be honest, there have been times where I wasn’t really happy with mine either.I can see why some people may hate the life that was given to them.
What Do Dreams about Losing Hair Mean? Scenarios & Interpretations Men and women want long, healthy hair, so to lose it in real life is devastating.But what do dreams about losing hair mean? Let’s find out.
Schadenfreude and the Psychology of This Dark State That We All Experience Schadenfreude.Morrissey nailed it when he wrote the song “We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful,” and you know what – I agree with him.
Survivorship Bias and 4 Examples of How It Can Distort Your Thinking There are many cognitive biases that influence our decisions and judgements, but have you ever heard of survivorship bias? I hadn’t until I read about a particular problem and a very clever man who solved it. Here’s the problem. It’s 1943 and we are in the middle
Book Hangover: a State You’ve Experienced but Didn’t Know the Name for Have you ever finished a book so good it has left you feeling deflated once it’s over? You could be suffering from a book hangover.
What Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory Teaches Us about Failure and Success Bandura’s self-efficacy theory is a widely accepted method in psychology which helps us develop confidence in ourselves.
6 Struggles Only Adult Children of Narcissists Will Understand Adult children of narcissists suffer a wide range of symptoms.Due to the lack of empathy, their lives are deeply scarred.I don’t have to be a psychologist to know my childhood was dysfunctional.
What Do Dreams about Being Naked Mean? 5 Scenarios & Interpretations Anyone that watched Cersei’s walk of shame in Game of Thrones would have shared in her utter humiliation.
Where the Fear of Public Speaking Comes from and 6 Techniques to Beat It One of the worst anxieties to control is the fear of public speaking.
How Pathological Lying (Pseudologia Fantastica) Ruins Relationships So many friendships and relationships have been destroyed by pathological lying.Sometimes it’s hard to see the truth of those lies.
6 Things That Make a Female Narcissist Different from a Male One Narcissism is common across the genders, but is there a difference between a male and a female narcissist? You would think that there are shared narcissistic traits for both male and female narcissists, but, in actual fact, there are some interesting differences. However, before we go on to explore these
What Is Planning Fallacy and 4 Ways You Can Avoid It If you feel your organization skills are somewhat lacking, you may be falling victim to the planning fallacy.
7 Strong Personality Traits Most People Misunderstand Those with strong personality have some traits that often make them seem cold or mean.Truth is, they are much like anyone else, kind and loving.I didn’t feel like I was strong as a child.
7 Speed Reading Techniques to Learn That Will Boost Your Brain Power Are you a stressed-up student or an administrator who must pore through tons of documents quickly? Speed reading techniques are a must for you.You may feel that speed reading may add to your stress.
The False Consensus Effect and How It Distorts Our Thinking Have you ever been shocked that people don’t agree with you when you assumed they would? You may be experiencing the false consensus effect.