5 Ways to Use Carl Jung's Shadow Work to Get to Know the Real You Shadow work is recognizing and understanding the dark side of our personality.It was coined by Carl Jung and is essential to leading a fulfilling life.
30 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety and Stress A few years ago, I started a spiritual journey.As I became more consciously awake, I realized the importance of practicing mindfulness every day.
10 Traits of a Mean Person: Are You Dealing with One? Some people have occasional bad moods and some deal with something much deeper.
20 Commonly Mispronounced Words That May Belie Your Intelligence When it comes to commonly mispronounced words, I have a really bad habit.If I don’t know how to pronounce a word, I’ll just skim over it and carry on reading.
‘I Don’t Belong Anywhere’: What to Do If You Feel This Way I often feel like I don’t belong anywhere in this world.If you are reading this article, it probably means that you feel this way too and are looking for answers.
8 Powerful Traits of a Lone Wolf Personality & a Free Test What does it mean to have a lone wolf personality? A lone wolf is an independent, self-sufficient person who enjoys solitary activities and has little or no interest in social interaction.
Inside the Psychopath's Mind: What Is Like to Be One? If I told you that I was a psychopath, would you be worried about your life or assume I’m the CEO of a successful company? Most of us associate psychopaths with serial killers, but what if we could get into the psychopath’s mind? What could we find out?
Three Buddhist Monks Use Their Minds To Change The Structure of Bottled Water Three Buddhist monks focused their intention on commercially bottled water with the goal of improving the growth of seeds.Results showed that they were able to have a significant impact.
Hindsight Bias: Why We Overestimate Our Ability to Predict Events They say hindsight is a wonderful thing, but don’t you just hate it when people say things like ‘I told you that would happen’ or ‘I just knew it all along’? Are they particularly gifted in their ability to see into the future or predict the past? I’m
5 Ways Impact Bias Is Making You Unhappy When we dream of winning the lottery, we imagine that we will always be happy.
Dreams about the Ocean: Interpretations and Meanings Dreaming about the ocean can be relaxing, exhilarating or downright terrifying.To understand dreams about the ocean, you have to look at the condition and the context of the ocean.
5 Benefits of Slow Thinking, According to Science In a world where everything inexorably requires us to speed up, most people’s intuition tells them that being faster is better.
Are Intelligent Women Less Likely to Fall for Psychopaths and Narcissists? Do you think you would ever fall for a psychopath or narcissist? Most intelligent women think they wouldn’t.But skilled manipulators target all kinds of people.
6 Cognitive Effects That Distort the Way You Think Cognitive effects can distort the way you think, increase anxiousness, and lead to numerous other difficulties.
Differences between Internal and External Locus of Control: Which Do You Have? When something goes wrong in your life, do you tend to blame yourself or someone else? Psychologists call this type of ‘blaming’ or ‘attribution of success or failure’ our Internal and External Locus of Control. Sounds complicated, right? Well, it’s not, and it can affect how happy your life