16 Traits of ISFJ-T Personality Type The ISFJ personality type is one of the most common of all the 16 Myers-Briggs personalities.
10 Causes of Disrespectful Behavior That Reveal the Truth about Rude People Disrespectful behavior takes many forms.
Klaus’ Great Narrative: Locking the Plebs in the 21st Century Plato’s Cave In case you were beginning to feel like your world was becoming a cliché dystopian movie script, don’t feel bad.
GOP Rep. Cammack on Saule Omarova: 'She Is Not Fit to Be Our Banking Nominee' Friday, Rep.Kat Cammack (R-FL) reacted to five Democratic senators reportedly opposing President Joe Biden’s nomination of Saule Omarova as the Comptroller of the Currency.
When You Feel Powerless, Remember These 7 Things In uncertain times, life can make you feel helpless, powerless, and completely out of control.But even in the turmoil, there are things you must remember.
REVIEW: “A Quest for Wisdom – Inspiring Purpose on the Path of Life” This is a fascinating and beautiful book, one of those gems you serendipitously discover and shake your head at your good fortune. Although it is new and I received it as a gift, it reminds me of a few books I have discovered over the years while rummaging through used
The Death of Science and the Rebirth of Superstition “Science denier!!” A snarky phrase I am sure most of you have heard many times.
35 Popular Old Sayings & Their Real Meanings You Had No Idea About Have you ever wondered where old sayings like ‘turn a blind eye to’ or ‘burning the midnight oil’ come from? Some of the following sayings have a really sinister origin, and others are completely surprising. Means: To do something without delay Real meaning: In the 19th century, a hat was
11 Unhelpful Thinking Styles That Hinder Your Growth Have you ever thought ‘Why do bad things happen to me all the time?’ Or perhaps you think that you are a loser or that things are always your fault? If so, you could be stuck with unhelpful thinking styles that are stopping you from achieving growth in your life.
8 Underlying Reasons Why You Lack Enthusiasm for Life Do you lack enthusiasm for your life? If so, there are several reasons why.You see, enthusiasm and motivation are connected to your role in life.
The Banners of the King of Hell Advance “Vexilla regis prodeunt Inferni” Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy: The Inferno Audio Version New Feature! Try to look ahead and see if you can see what’s been coming for decades. Try to climb higher and see the beautiful things that Heaven bears, where we came forth, and once more
BEST OF OFFG: “Free speech, censorship & the right to be wrong…” Republished as part of our ‘Best Of’ series, revisiting some of OffG’s Pre-Covid editorials – either because they help remind us of important realities easily overlooked nowadays, or because they take on added significance in a ‘post-covid’ world. Catte’s article has taken on a new context and new significance
George Monbiot’s Far-Right Projection George Monbiot is shocked. But what has shocked George is not the rising tide of poverty and starvation in the world or the unprecedented transfer of wealth to a tiny number of oligarchs. He is not shocked by the practical collapse of the rule of law or by the brutal
The End of the Speed Limit on the Highway to Nowhere Photo by Bradley Ziffer on Unsplash There was a time when time was time and space and speed had some human meaning, for people lived within the limits of the natural world of which they were a part. As Albert Camus said, “In our madness, we push back the eternal
Wondering Awe as a Perceptive Aspect of Spirituality and Its Relation to Indicators of Wellbeing: Frequency of Perception and Underlying Triggers Background: Spirituality is a multidimensional construct which includes religious, existentialistic, and relational issues and has different layers such as faith as the core, related attitudes and conviction, and subsequent behaviors and practices. The perceptive aspects of spirituality such as wondering awe are of relevance for both, religious and non-religious persons.