Practicing Presence: The Power of “Living In The Now” & How It Can Help Presence is the powerful practice of being in the moment.
Does Our Recycling Actually Get “Recycled?” (Video) The following video from Sky Ocean Rescue shares some more eye-opening information about the truth about our supposed “recycling”..
What Is “Sacred Geometry?” Sacred Geometry patterns are found etched into many aspects of life, nature and the universe.
What Is the Mind-Body Problem in the Philosophy of Mind? The mind-body problem is one of the most famous issues within philosophical discussion.It has been a point of argument and deep interest for philosophers throughout history.
Parables For The New Conversation (Chapter 29: The Astrologer) The following is a chapter from my book ‘Parables For The New Conversation.’ One chapter will be published every Sunday for 36 weeks here on Collective Evolution.
The “BPA-Free” Marketing Scam: Plastic Is Still Toxic & Filled With Many Chemicals Whenever we see “free” labelled on a product, it tends to trick our brains into thinking, “Hey, that must be good for me!” Seriously, think about it.
Joaquin Phoenix Is Producing A Movie About The Sentience of Pigs Joaquin Phoenix is producing a movie about the sentience of pigs.
Meet The CEO Who Raised The Minimum Salary For All Staff To $70K — Including Himself CEO cuts his own pay to afford to raise that of his entire staff to a minimum of $70K.
7 Words with a Deep Meaning You Probably Didn’t Know The human experience is complex and sometimes you need words with deeper meanings than usual to help you to describe what you’re going through.
Parables For The New Conversation (Chapter 28: The Hairdresser) The following is a chapter from my book ‘Parables For The New Conversation.’ One chapter will be published every Sunday for 36 weeks here on Collective Evolution.
10 TV Series With Conscious Themes – If You’re Looking For Something Good With a seemingly endless number of streaming platforms there have never been more options when it comes to finding a new series to watch.
Healing the Self, Healing The World – Ruminations About Humanity & Awakening Article republished here with permission from author Bernhard Guenther of is becoming increasingly more complex.
5 Unusual Signs Your Partner Is A Keeper While every relationship is unique, there are some signs to look out for when identifying whether or not you are in a relationship worth keeping.
Ask Yourself: What Would You Do If Money Didn’t Matter Or If It Didn’t Exist? Alan Watts delivers a speech that puts into question the idea of money and what we are all doing here on planet Earth.
8 Facts About Life That Will Move You Forward & Improve Yourself No matter how much we believe we have our “shit” together, life carries many harsh truths, and no matter how much we may wish to run away from them, it is only through accepting them that we can take full responsibility for our lives. You may be aware of some